Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
Is the country usually in lockdown during regular flu?
not sure why anyone bothers to engage with gluey tbh,
he's convinced this is a storm in a teacup.
nothing to see here move along
the fact that we are losing nearly a thousand people a day and everyone is living in a surreal world atm is neither here nor there to our resident know-all
15 people died in a care home recently, they only tested 5, the other ten were just added to the stats (all same symptoms)
my previous partner died in a care home(thank **** she isn't alive for me and he children to worry about and not see for months)
my current partner works in a care home and they have 5 residents with symptoms) she's worked in that home for 19 years and has never seen ANYTHING like it
the fear and anxiety is all pervading but its just compatible to a bad years seasonal flu apparently so on we go living in a parallel universe to the norm of a few weeks ago