In 2014 I came across a discussion at another forum concerning forecasts found at ( Deagel was and is a respected military/intelligence resource judging from every review I've read.

The discussion surrounded what's found in a small corner of that site which appears unrelated to the rest of its content. What excited debate was its forecasts for how the economy of every country worldwide would look like in the year 2025 compared to how they were then. Back in 2014 I recall it said the UK's population was 64 million and would fall by half to 32 million 11 years hence. Its economy would also suffer a huge decline. I forget those numbers but were horrendous. The worst performing out of all 208 planet wide was the USA. The pattern of the forecasts were plain: all white majority Western countries were headed for big trouble. In the absence of any methodology used by those who compiled the forecasts, most concluded that there had to be a connection with mass immigration and, likely, internal civil strife.

Six years on and an explanation can be found there for why they expect such a decline. It is mass emigration.

Today, Blighty's prospects are quite abysmal ( with a 2025 population of 15 million, representing a 78% fall from the current 66 million and an equally astounding 92% drop in GDP. Those declines are worse in percentage terms than every other country, whose numbers are here:

The best I can come up with for people fleeing Britain, USA, etc, in their umpteen millions is that the purchasing power of those currencies will crater. I surmise the great majority of Blighty's remaining 15 million residents will be State Pensioners and the disabled who the state will still be able to offer reduced support to through the benefit system.