Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
This won't please sports watchers at all. From the BBC Coronavirus Wales live reports:

Mass gatherings 'could be banned for a year'
Dr Meirion Evans
BBCCopyright: BBC
Dr Meirion Evans has worked as a consultant epidemiologist for Public Health Wales. Dr Meirion Evans has worked as a consultant epidemiologist for Public Health Wales
Mass gatherings could be banned in Wales for more than a year while the hunt for a vaccine continues, a senior government adviser says.

Dr Meirion Evans, professional adviser to Wales' chief medical officer, says the restrictions could remain until a vaccination is routinely available.

However, he says some lockdown measures could be relaxed over the coming weeks.

Official figures show 463 people have died with coronavirus in Wales, with 6,118 confirmed cases.
So scientist say restrictions *could* remain until a vaccination is routinely available. BBC then in it's headline uses quotes for 'could be banned for a year' - which isn't what was said.

Media have a lot to answer for.