Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
Your attempts to avoid looking idiotic in connection with your Covid-19 conspiracy theories appear to be getting ever more desperate. The bad news for you is that it's way too late for any of that. You've already made a right fool of yourself and your past pronouncements are sounding increasingly ridiculous with every passing day. I'd draw stumps if I were you.
You keep returning to have a nibble. You receive a slapping then come back for more of the same.

Why won't you accept we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy?

I'll save you the trouble of replying which would probably run something like this: Because Icke and everyone like him are crackpots and oddballs.

Yeah, you are that predictable.

Those 'opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy' remarks were made in a speech by John F. Kennedy, the sitting president of the United States, in 1961.

I have very little doubt you had no idea he was a conspiracy theorist at all, never mind one who would be considered at the most extreme loon level by those like you who'd prefer to keep faith in their carefully crafted but mostly bullshit reality. You and they will have a hard time dismissing the words of someone of his stature.

Forward to the 9:55 mark at what's below.