Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
If someone has a severe mental illness and hears voices then they are ill and if she is assessed by two psychiatrists as having a severe mental illness she wont be on trial for murder , because under the law , it wont be murder , it will be manslaughter .......is that clear enough for you ?

The care system for those with mental illness is shocking and it is the systems fault , full stop .

If this woman was a junkie , and there is no suggestion she is at present , unless you know different .....please do share , then that will be taken into consideration by the courts as she may have a drug induced psychosis .

But psychosis can happen to anyone , at anytime , even you and it's far more likely that shes battled paranoid schizophrenia for some time and it's got nothing to do with drugs . It may well be that her anti psychotic medication , administered by injection if its clozapine for severe illness, was not administered due to lack of staff , which is down to lack of resources , so it's very much a system and funding problem .

Asking seriously ill mental health patients to take responsibility for their lives is like asking a woman with breast cancer to sort herself out and stop moaning
There you go again making all the excuses for her behaviour.

You swear you are the only person on this forum who has suffered mental health issues ffs.

People will never learn to stand on their own two feet whilst we’ve got apologists like you making excuses for their criminal behaviour.

Let’s not forget the real victim in all this. An 88 year old man. I’d like to see you patronise his family with your no one is to blame, we are all victims diatribe.