Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
I didn't have you marked down as a conspiracy theorist, Steve. You've surprised me.

I believe the truth is relatively simple: we have a government cabinet packed with hopeless, inexperienced incompetents who are desperately trying to deal with a situation that, despite clear warnings stretching back decades, they were almost totally unprepared for and they treated far too nonchalantly during the early stages.

Absolutely nothing in Boris Johnson's background suggested he was going to make a good Prime Minister and very little in the backgrounds of those he chose as his leading players in the cabinet suggested they were going to be any more competent than he is.

Still, at least we've taken back control......
Mediocrities were rewarded for their Brexit stance with high ranking Cabinet jobs - there may have been times when we could have got by with a Prime Minister and Cabinet who are so out of their depth, but this certainly isn't one of them. I've read a couple of articles saying that the Scottish people instinctively trust Nicola Sturgeon to take the right decisions on the virus because she has a sense of gravitas to her and doesn't speak to them as if they were idiots - I'll just say that their opinion of Johnson and his Government was quite different.

This article says so much about how out government is viewed oversees and I think the economic analyst who says "Johnson’s management of the pandemic has been almost Mediterranean in style, flippant and carefree,” is spot on in my book and I fear that it's beginning to look like he is right when he also says “You can’t help but think that people have been left to rot, that the interests of the economy were put before health.”.
