Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post

Of course, being "illegal" immigrants it must be dead easy to get on the dole. What with the absence of a NI Number.
Benefits helpline: Hello.
Illegal: I'd like to claim £29,900 a year, please?
Benefits helpline: Certainly sir, can I have your NI number, please?
Illegal: I don't have one.
Benefits helpline: Ah, what is your name then, please?
Illegal: I'm not telling you.
Benefits helpline: Are you an illegal immigrant?
Illegal: Yes, but don't tell anyone.
Benefits helpline: Fine. Go to your nearest jobcentre, ask for the manager and they will show you to the pot of gold room where you can help yourself to as much free cash as you like. I'll give you a special password.

Refugees can get minimal handouts. There have been very rare cases where they've had quite lavish dwellings in which to live, but those have suited all as temporary measures. The reality is they get very, very little.

Legally arriving immigrants cannot claim benefits for, according to the government's own site, "a qualifying period". Who knows what that is. One thing is certain, the government decides what that is. Those who arrive legally, who are not refugees, either have the money to stay here or have work (or a very solid promise of it at least).

It always amuses me when people say we need to stop illegal immigrants coming into the country. They're here illegally, we don't know they're here. If we knew they were coming we'd be able to stop them. Britain has 20,000 miles of coastline, near enough. It's impossible to police it all.

When it comes to illegal immigrants, most people haven't got a clue.