Quote Originally Posted by Wash DC Blue View Post
One of the things after the really worries me is how politicized and partisan this whole affair is.

People are so entrenched in their beliefs that the defense or criticism is of how this has been handled doesn’t falter from their views on Brexit or Trump.

One could hope that this could unite us for the greater good.
Not a chance.

I am fed up of banging my head against a brick wall talking to friends who declare themselves Libertarians about this.

They are pretty much all uniform in their views on how this is either a hoax or a power grab.
Vice Versa, you aren’t going to get much change from the left regardless of how it’s been handled.

Trump has handled this appallingly in my opinion yet “free thinkers” do not seem free enough in their thinking to go against the grain of a narrative.

So much paradoxical “insight” out there.
I have no idea what this bit means. Help a brother out, please.