Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
Absolutely, the punter is ultimately responsible for their actions and losses, no-one else, no crying from me, never caught me smashing up a machine, but if it helps others then all the best to them.

However, I dont believe I said "**** em" with regards all people with addictions. Just the ones begging, robbing and stealing off others to fund it and then blaming the "illness" for their actions.
My view has developed over time. There is absolutely no doubt that there is something wrong with me, something inside me that shuts off my regular analytical (overly) cautious thought process. But at every stage I could have easily stopped myself from taking the actions I did. Those not taking personal responsibility will never actually begin to understand themselves because they start with a lie. That isn't to say that some people haven't been dealt an absolute shit hand that would force almost anyone to look for a release. I have had it pretty easy really.

Addiction is like a virus except the people it attacks are lonely and/or unfulfilled.