Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
To be honest, I don't think golf has been deemed safe by the Welsh government at all. When put under a little bit of pressure by the golfing fraternity, they've effectively shrugged their shoulders and said "oh, go on then," knowing full well that the chances of their social distancing guidelines being followed or enforced at the golf clubs are practically zero.

I don't object to people playing golf at all. I object to the hypocrisy of telling the general public one thing, but telling various groups of people another.

You know my views - it's all a load of bollocks now. We can't carry on like this indefinitely and the cracks in the guidelines, which have been appearing since day one, are now wide open. The lockdown in the UK has always been half-arsed. The quicker the authorities bite the bullet and allow everyone to attempt to get back to some sort of normality the better as far as I'm concerned.
I object to people playing golf. The golfing fraternity are probably Tories, those that run it anyway, can't see Drakeford caving in to them if i'm honest and we don't really know why he's made that decision. In my opinion the Government aren't sure what to do, i'm convinced that Drakeford is a cautious politician who will not allow things to start up to soon even if the evidence states differently. We shall see