Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
Not really, as your trip to England is part of the same journey, therefore unnecessary in the eyes of the law in wales as you're doing part of that journey in Wales. I think that that some of the people crying about this just hate the devolved Government in Wales.
That is apparent in their abuse of Drakeford for having different rules to Johnson. Strangely. Drakeford is a pariah for having a different set of rules to Johnson, but Johnson is completely correct for having rules that differ from Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

It's both an anti-Senedd thing (as per the ad hominem attacks on Drakeford), and a Party Political stance (Tories Good, Labour Bad).

I've never voted for one single party - it seems completely ridiculous to label yourself a Labour voter when Labour in 2022 will be much different from Labour in 2019, which was completely alien compared to Labour in 1997.

We have 4 leaders, and very little leadership if truth is known. We have, globally, adopted populist leaders from Trump in the West to Duterte in the East, and all the people in between. In normal times, these leaders would have been disastrous, now it is completely ludicrous.

But, instead of attacking the crazy guidelines with their contradictory advisories (essential journeys, but can go to B&Q for paint, can buy clothes in Asda, but not in Next) - people are hell bent on following the tribalism of politics that has left us all in a completely unprepared position globally to look at long term issues (global warming, pandemics, earthquakes etc) as we blindly follow leaders whose only goal is to have 4 years crafting rules to suit their post political career.