Its all rubbish and after what i have seen today is going close to a waste of time

I went back to work on monday after 2 weeks of my customers phoning and texting me about coming to clean windows, now to me, windows cleaning is far from essential, so ive stayed home and helped protect the NHS, of course BoJo's sunday announcement meant people thought it was time to get back to work from last Wednesday, i had a load of domestic and commercial customers ask when i was going, i had a few things i wanted to get done, so i started back monday, people were pleased to see me and stayed 2M away and i thought " yea, this just might work " Tuesday more of the same, i had a few people try and pay me cash, i told them they can either send a cheque or pay me next time, i was happy it was working well, i had stayed more than 2 M away from anyone, they were safe, i was safe

today i took the day off, we had promised youngest daughter we would go on a bike ride and have a family picnic, so this morning i made a appointment ( it had opened monday ) to collect our bikes from my storage container ( all done at 2 M distance and the guy opened the container and then i grabbed the bikes and left, he locked up, once again covid19 safe, 0 contact, yes this is working

so we jump on our bikes and head to a park, we park up away from others and enjoy the sun and a picnic, when i looked around

2 families sharing a portable BBQ
3 X 20yr old ish blokes playing football
6 X 11yr old boys ( i know this as they were in the school year below my daughter ) playing football, jumping on each other, rolling around on the floor, 2 of the lads dads came over to them and said its time to go, 3 lads jumped in each car
9 X teen aged lads playing football and say around
as we were leaving another group of boys arrived on scooters and all sat around sharing a few cans on red bull

on the plus side, we did see another family who were socially distancing from each other

Sure covid cases are few and far between around here, but today was honestly as if nothing was wrong, it was just like a day last year in the same country park, if it hadnt been for the other family staying away from others you would have been able to tell we are social distancing