Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
It's absolutely key to the entire issue of the lockdown, past, present and future.

It appears that a senior government advisor, a man who actually sat in on some of the SAGE meetings and who helped to construct the government's lockdown policies, didn't believe the guidance being hammered home to the public on a daily basis was valid enough to follow himself. Either that, or he believed the rules didn't apply to him.

The fact that this guy appears to be an arrogant, contemptible prick is neither here nor there - Scotland's chief medical officer came across as a thoroughly decent and genuine person, but she quickly realised she had no option but to resign once her indiscretions were revealed.

The wider question is what Johnson knew about this situation and whether or not he was complicit. It will be extremely damaging for him if, as seems probable, he knew exactly what Cummings was up to.

You dismiss this issue as being 'massively overblown'. Try telling that to people who have had to miss the funerals of family, friends and loved ones in order to comply with the guidelines, or haven't felt able to offer help and support to relatives during this time of crisis because they were following the government's rules while one of its highest-ranking employees was driving long distances to visit his relatives.

I don’t do politics as it’s all a ****fest.

But these people are taking the piss out of the public big time. And the supposed british media who should call these people to account are complicit by failing to do their job.

What frightens me also is that the lunatics currently running the asylum will get voted in again because there is no credible opposition.