Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
DC said that he didn't travel up a second time so the 'number plate' spotter is suspect, especially as its not the plate on his current car. Im not defending him but from comments made on this board we seem to be a group of self-righteous hypocrites.

Whilst DC got all the newspaper headlines, I was more concerned with comments in the business news that we are heading for a job loss tsunami once the government subsides stop later this year. Very worrying.
How are we self righteous hypocrites? We’ve all been following the lockdown. I haven’t seen my parents since January, missed a family funeral, missed 3 family members birthday, couldn’t visit my grandad in hospital after he had a heart attack.

Yet this multimillionaire drove north with symptoms of the coronavirus to visit elderly parents because he “needed childcare”.

The job losses and pending recession have been discussed to death in the covid thread.

I suppose I shouldn’t be shocked that someone whose first port of call when contracting covid would be to visit their parents is shocked a thread about Dominic Cummings is discussing Dominic Cummings.