Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
'Exclusive: Dominic Cummings did breach coronavirus lockdown guidelines, Durham Police say'

Investigation concludes Boris Johnson's most senior aide did commit a 'minor breach' of the lockdown rules when he drove to Barnard Castle

He breached the guidelines but only a "minor breach" apparently. Is that now enough for the Govt. to not be able to keep parroting that "he kept to the guidelines"?
When I was young, people in politics used to "fall on their sword" even when they weren't really guilty of much (for example, I couldn't really see why Lord Carrington resigned as Foreign Secretary over the Falklands War), but that all changed a long time ago. Now, people cling on to their jobs for as long as they can and sometimes managed to brazen it through their crisis, but I don't think I've ever seen anything like this before. Hopefully, for the good of the country, I'm wrong, but nothing that's happened so far has been enough to get Cummings out, so I don't really see why this will alter anything.