Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
You can have a toot with a few beers and not look off your face, but chewing your jaw off and pulling outrageous gibs on pills is not a good look in your 20s let alone 40s/50s.

I packed the sniff in after spending about £500 on flake one weekend a couple of years ago on my mates 40th birthday weekend. Along with my gambling addiction I was spending money at a rate of knots far beyond what I was earning. Id feel guilty about wasting so much on my vices that I’d go overboard, spending on the family to deny I had a problem - Nice house, Nice clothes, holidays.etc - I was spending like a man who earned 5 times what earned.

I’ve jacked it all in now and finally getting somewhere with my debt but I don’t go out much anymore because I know after a few beers I’ll just make a load of wrong decisions.
Got married 12 years ago and I’d basically had enough of waking up and not having a clue what had happened, it was fine in the old days but inevitably there would always be ramifications. A few years later kids, going out spending £250 a night was over.....
Don’t miss it one bit, well maybe that initial buzz you get after a few beers and that first fat line what ever I do I do it full on and now it’s being a dad and being there for them 100%. Great memories of the 90’s though, Life’s all about chapters and It was one hell of a ride.