Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
We appreciate that it’s bad but we underestimate how difficult it is. We don’t know what it’s like to be completely judged just on how we look and having to be on our guard at all times of day.

Black people, in the US at least, have to be taught growing up how to behave with the police because they’re more likely to be approached and more likely to be injured than a white person. Can you actually imagine what that’s like to be so afraid of that every time you leave the house? Because I can’t.

We don’t notice how lucky we are to be white because we are so used to it. That’s what makes it so hard for us to understand exactly how bad it is for non white people.
I disagree with you once again. I for one, don't under estimate how difficult it is, and millions of others all over the world don't either.
It can be a sick and cruel world we live in. Ask gay people, transexual people, fat people , ugly people,
Disabled people etc, what its like to be persecuted and taunted. Its getting better, but we still have a million miles to go on eradicating it all together, and sadly i don't think we ever will.