Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
It doesn't take a genius to work it out, the media are focussing on the event that they hope will end Trump's presidency. So far we have had Russia collusion, Mueller investigation, impeachment, Covid-19, riots & looting, all back to back with seamless anti-Trump press coverage, with probably more events to come between now and November.
I know. Crazy isn't it the way the main stream media (and all the other media) concentrate on stuff like Presidential corruption, a virus pandemic that has killed over 100,000 Americans and almost overwhelmed the New York health system and country-wide protests at systemic racism. Even crazier that other countries' media cover the story too. It's not as if the USA is the most powerful country in the world, home of the world's biggest nuclear arsenal and the world's reserve currency, is it?

At least we've got you to balance things up. We now know that Covid 19 is a Democrat hoax, that the George Floyd protests are just a cover for the anarchist/arsonist wing of the Antifa movement to trash the HQ of Trump loving CNN, and that the police who politely cleared the way for Trump's photo opportunity were using nothing but tickling sticks and air freshener. Oh yes, and the driver of the fuel truck that was accelerating towards the bridge full of peaceful protesters was just testing his brakes!