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Thread: UK Covid-19 death figures

  1. #126
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: UK Covid-19 death figures

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    But health care isn't the biggest contributer to covid deaths. It's how the lockdown was managed.
    A great point and succinctly made.

  2. #127
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: UK Covid-19 death figures

    Did anyone watch PMQs today. Boris "proud of his record", and took every Starmer question as an attack. Was also careful not to mention the US crisis until asked.

    40,000 people lying in coffins and urns, and he is proud of how his Government responded. A Goodison Park full of people, dead.

  3. #128

    Re: UK Covid-19 death figures

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    Your OP was about UK deaths, so the UK Gov must share responsibility for that. My comments related to Wales and the responsibility for healthcare rests solely with the Senedd. Its pretty straightforward, but you just don't seem to get it
    Here's a questions for you:

    If, as you have relentlessly maintained, the UK government bears no responsibility for combating Covid-19 in Wales, which is within the UK, then why did UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson send a letter to every household in Wales during the first week of April 2020 outlining the steps the UK government was taking to combat coronavirus and detailing the UK government's instructions to the public?

  4. #129

    Re: UK Covid-19 death figures

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post
    Did anyone watch PMQs today. Boris "proud of his record", and took every Starmer question as an attack.
    I did and to be honest I was disappointed with Starmer. I believe, given the wealth of evidence, facts and figures at his disposal, he could and should have been much more forceful.

  5. #130

    Re: UK Covid-19 death figures

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    I did and to be honest I was disappointed with Starmer. I believe, given the wealth of evidence, facts and figures at his disposal, he could and should have been much more forceful.
    I don't think that's his style. Starmer's more like an accurate counter puncher, but quite often those in charge of the judging prefer a more aggressive style - he's got four plus years of this to come, as long as he stays in his job, and I think your point will become more relevant as the months and years go on.

  6. #131

    Re: UK Covid-19 death figures

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    Do you honestly believe that Wales, Scotland and N. Ireland weren’t party to discussions on the lockdown and in agreement with what was going to happen and the timing of it.?
    This represents some significant back-peddling on the position you adamantly adopted yesterday.

  7. #132

    Re: UK Covid-19 death figures

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post
    Did anyone watch PMQs today. Boris "proud of his record", and took every Starmer question as an attack. Was also careful not to mention the US crisis until asked.

    40,000 people lying in coffins and urns, and he is proud of how his Government responded. A Goodison Park full of people, dead.
    I think your Goodison Park could be an Emirates with its 60,000 capacity in reality. Johnson seemed to be putting all of his eggs in one basket because he wanted to attack Starmer all of the time for doing what the opposition leader should do. Apparently, we're all united behind the Government and are not impressed by anyone who dares to be critical - seemingly, the focus groups the Tories use are reporting back that we don't want conflict between parties.

  8. #133

    Re: UK Covid-19 death figures

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    Only as much as you'd blame the Senedd for deaths in England
    So are you saying that Westminster has as much control in Wales as the Senedd has in England? Think about your answer before you make a fool of yourself.

  9. #134

    Re: UK Covid-19 death figures

    The figures for the UK today look pretty grim - an additional 359 deaths, compared to 159 in the USA and just 3 in Germany.

  10. #135
    Join Date
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: UK Covid-19 death figures

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I think your Goodison Park could be an Emirates with its 60,000 capacity in reality. Johnson seemed to be putting all of his eggs in one basket because he wanted to attack Starmer all of the time for doing what the opposition leader should do. Apparently, we're all united behind the Government and are not impressed by anyone who dares to be critical - seemingly, the focus groups the Tories use are reporting back that we don't want conflict between parties.
    But in fairness historically PMQs is never about the PM actually answering a question, God forfend! It's more like a weekly episode of the Punch and Judy show and always has been. KS attacks PM, PM bites back, friendly MP asks friendly question, PM answers, KS attacks, PM bites back, and so on and so on. You might be entertained watching PMQs but you should never expect to actually glean any serious information from them.

  11. #136

    Re: UK Covid-19 death figures

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    Yep, I’ve heard there is plenty of space in your head for the mouth to take up most of it
    Your comebacks are almost as bad as your defence of the Tory Govt.

    Speaking of comebacks... Does Boris ever ask for his back after you've brought him to completion?

  12. #137

    Re: UK Covid-19 death figures

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    The figures for the UK today look pretty grim - an additional 359 deaths, compared to 159 in the USA and just 3 in Germany.
    That American figure grows throughout the day though as the different states make their returns and I think it might be the same for Germany (although I'm sure their figure will be a great deal lower than ours). 359 is slightly lower than last week's midweek figures, but that seven day rolling average line for deaths is not dipping as quickly as it should is it.

  13. #138

    Re: UK Covid-19 death figures

    Lisvane blue loves the tories more than I love anything in my life, I admire the dedication. He isn’t just licking the boots he’s deep throating them. An inspiration to us all.

  14. #139

    Re: UK Covid-19 death figures

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    I did and to be honest I was disappointed with Starmer. I believe, given the wealth of evidence, facts and figures at his disposal, he could and should have been much more forceful.
    Yep, Starmer missed a real opportunity today. He allowed Johnson to act like a bully without commenting on it. The comment about "casting aspersions on the efforts of tens of thousands" presented Starmer with an opportunity for a sound bite and he totally missed it.

  15. #140
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    Apr 2019

    Re: UK Covid-19 death figures

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I don't think that's his style. Starmer's more like an accurate counter puncher, but quite often those in charge of the judging prefer a more aggressive style - he's got four plus years of this to come, as long as he stays in his job, and I think your point will become more relevant as the months and years go on.
    He is getting into Johnson's head. It seemed poignant that the Government leader was losing control as the exchange wore on. A bit like this whole shambles. The question about R rate needed an answer. I suspect it was either higher than when the grading system putting us at level 4 had it (0.5-0.9) or Johnson just didn't know.

  16. #141
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    Re: UK Covid-19 death figures

    Quote Originally Posted by Grievous Angel View Post
    Yep, Starmer missed a real opportunity today. He allowed Johnson to act like a bully without commenting on it. The comment about "casting aspersions on the efforts of tens of thousands" presented Starmer with an opportunity for a sound bite and he totally missed it.
    He already had the soundbite - an own goal of horrific proportions - when Johnson said "I am proud of my Government's record". 40,000 dead and hundreds of thousands of friends and relatives will feel cheated by that.

  17. #142
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    Apr 2019

    Re: UK Covid-19 death figures

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    But in fairness historically PMQs is never about the PM actually answering a question, God forfend! It's more like a weekly episode of the Punch and Judy show and always has been. KS attacks PM, PM bites back, friendly MP asks friendly question, PM answers, KS attacks, PM bites back, and so on and so on. You might be entertained watching PMQs but you should never expect to actually glean any serious information from them.
    Starmer wasn't attacking anything. He was questioning. As he has been in his first few weeks as Leader of the Opposition.

  18. #143
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: UK Covid-19 death figures

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    Here's a questions for you:

    If, as you have relentlessly maintained, the UK government bears no responsibility for combating Covid-19 in Wales, which is within the UK, then why did UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson send a letter to every household in Wales during the first week of April 2020 outlining the steps the UK government was taking to combat coronavirus and detailing the UK government's instructions to the public?
    Perhaps a welsh one was planned , you and I dont know that detail ( you could raise that question though to your MP ) perhaps as medical officers speak more on a regular basis than the politician leaders leaders could it have been decided not to duplicate a standard message , of stay at home ,wash your hands , keep 2 meters etc , what could have be done differently to combat is the actual logistics knockdown

  19. #144
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    Apr 2019

    Re: UK Covid-19 death figures

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    That American figure grows throughout the day though as the different states make their returns and I think it might be the same for Germany (although I'm sure their figure will be a great deal lower than ours). 359 is slightly lower than last week's midweek figures, but that seven day rolling average line for deaths is not dipping as quickly as it should is it.
    The decision to ease lockdown is based on nothing more than politics. It's the good news to get rid of the bad news. It's also interesting that Facebook feeds seem to be getting very anti-immigration again. Strange how that seems to happen whenever Johnson is in a mess.

  20. #145

    Re: UK Covid-19 death figures

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I think your Goodison Park could be an Emirates with its 60,000 capacity in reality. Johnson seemed to be putting all of his eggs in one basket because he wanted to attack Starmer all of the time for doing what the opposition leader should do. Apparently, we're all united behind the Government and are not impressed by anyone who dares to be critical - seemingly, the focus groups the Tories use are reporting back that we don't want conflict between parties.
    That's because intellectually challenged Boris can only remember one excuse at a time so just repeats it whatever is asked.

  21. #146

    Re: UK Covid-19 death figures

    Quote Originally Posted by Baloo View Post
    Fair do's you had a 'mare on here yesterday but it doesn't appear to have dampened your spirits.
    Its better than watching daytime TV........I think

  22. #147

    Re: UK Covid-19 death figures

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    Here's a questions for you:

    If, as you have relentlessly maintained, the UK government bears no responsibility for combating Covid-19 in Wales, which is within the UK, then why did UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson send a letter to every household in Wales during the first week of April 2020 outlining the steps the UK government was taking to combat coronavirus and detailing the UK government's instructions to the public?
    Probably because he is PM of UK and felt the need to communicate to 30 million households to emphasise the importance of the stay at home message. He mentioned each home nation and their NHS staff in his letter.
    He did not do it because his Government is in charge of UK healthcare because its not.....it’s devolved, that’s a fact.
    I hope he got the approval of the first ministers of each country, but he is pig headed enough to go it alone. In Scotland households got two letters. Nicola Sturgeon sent her own at the same time, possibly to emphasise that she’s in charge of Public health and to take the wind out of his sails

  23. #148

    Re: UK Covid-19 death figures

    [QUOTE=Baloo;5083308]This represents some significant back-peddling on the position you adamantly adopted yesterday.[/QUOTE

    In what way.

  24. #149

    Re: UK Covid-19 death figures

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    The figures for the UK today look pretty grim - an additional 359 deaths, compared to 159 in the USA and just 3 in Germany.

    PHE says the way they record deaths changed on 1 June. May be something to do with it

  25. #150

    Re: UK Covid-19 death figures

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    Sturgeon banned gatherings of over 500 people back in March, Bojo followed suit 4 days later.
    Scotland said no new jury trials, England followed suit 6 days later.
    Wales announced school closures first, England last.
    Wales brought into law that employers had to enforce 2m distancing rule, don't think England have done that.
    Wales stopped people going to beauty spots when England still allowed it.

    Bojo and England are miles behind the Celts, Sturgeon shows leadership and Bojo follows but unfortunately for England often quite some time behind.
    Bumped for lisvaneblue.

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