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Thread: Anti-Semitism: Labour pays damages for 'hurt' to whistleblowers

  1. #1
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    Anti-Semitism: Labour pays damages for 'hurt' to whistleblowers

    Thank god lets move in Labour , this did exists in case of doubters and upsetting to a lot of Labour voters

    Len McCluskey still kicking off though oh dear me he's still about ,time to retire to your opulent lifestyle me old son ,I'm sure JC will comment very soon with a unhelpful comment to the party under new management not my workds Sir Keirs


    Labour has agreed to pay "substantial" damages to seven former employees who sued the party in an anti-Semitism row.

    The party has issued an unreserved apology in the High Court for making "false and defamatory" comments about seven whistleblowers who spoke out in a BBC Panorama programme last year.

    The individuals had criticised the then leadership's handling of complaints.

    Labour said they were wrongly accused of "bad faith" and caused "distress, embarrassment and hurt" by the party.

    The BBC's assistant political editor Norman Smith said the payout was an "extraordinary moment" and underlined leader Sir Keir Starmer's determination to get to grips with the shadow of anti-Semitism hanging over the party.

    In the July 2019 programme, entitled Is Labour Anti-Semitic?, a number of former party officials alleged that senior figures close to the leadership at the time had interfered in the process of dealing with anti-Semitism complaints.

    They also claimed they had faced a huge increase in complaints since Jeremy Corbyn became leader in 2015.

    Labour sees draft findings of anti-Semitism report
    A guide to Labour anti-Semitism claims
    Starmer launches inquiry into anti-Semitism report
    In response, a party spokesman denounced them as "disaffected former staff" who had "personal and political axes" to grind. They were also accused of trying to undermine Mr Corbyn.

  2. #2
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Anti-Semitism: Labour pays damages for 'hurt' to whistleblowers

    Jeremy Corbyn statement today:

    "Our legal advice was that the party had a strong defence, and the evidence in the leaked Labour report that is now the subject of an NEC inquiry led by Martin Forde QC strengthened concerns about the role played by some of those who took part in the programme.

    "The decision to settle these claims in this way is disappointing, and risks giving credibility to misleading and inaccurate allegations about action taken to tackle anti-Semitism in the Labour party in recent years.

    "To give our members the answers and justice they deserve, the inquiry led by Martin Forde must now fully address the evidence the internal report uncovered of racism, sexism, factionalism and obstruction of Labour’s 2017 general election campaign".

  3. #3
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    Re: Anti-Semitism: Labour pays damages for 'hurt' to whistleblowers

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Jeremy Corbyn statement today:

    "Our legal advice was that the party had a strong defence, and the evidence in the leaked Labour report that is now the subject of an NEC inquiry led by Martin Forde QC strengthened concerns about the role played by some of those who took part in the programme.

    "The decision to settle these claims in this way is disappointing, and risks giving credibility to misleading and inaccurate allegations about action taken to tackle anti-Semitism in the Labour party in recent years.

    "To give our members the answers and justice they deserve, the inquiry led by Martin Forde must now fully address the evidence the internal report uncovered of racism, sexism, factionalism and obstruction of Labour’s 2017 general election campaign".
    I see another court case coming , and Labours name still dragged through the mud on anti semitsm , just when you think a line is drawn , up he pops , I wonder if Sir Kier will suspend him ??

  4. #4
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    Re: Anti-Semitism: Labour pays damages for 'hurt' to whistleblowers

    Labour’s decision to*pay a six-figure libel settlement*to ex-staffers who claimed the party was failing to deal with antisemitism has plunged the party back into civil war, with Jeremy Corbyn publicly condemning his successor’s decision to settle the case.

    Corbyn’s statement caused astonishment among the litigants in the libel action, with the Panorama journalist John Ware confirming to the Guardian that he was “consulting his lawyers” and raising the prospect of another costly court battle over*Labour*and antisemitism.

    Corbyn said he was disappointed by the settlement brokered under*Keir Starmer, calling it a “political decision” against legal advice, and said the decision “risks giving credibility to misleading and inaccurate allegations about action taken to tackle antisemitism in the Labour party in recent years.”

    The former leader, who is believed to have considered*a court challenge to the settlement*along with senior allies, said the party had received legal advice that it would win the libel case brought by the seven ex-staffers and the journalist who made the BBC Panorama programme on which they appeared.

    The ex-staff members alleged senior figures in the party minimised and interfered with attempts to deal with antisemitism complaints about party members. They sued the party for defamation after Labour spokespeople described them as having “political axes to grind,” suggesting they had acted in bad faith, and said Ware had conducted “deliberate and malicious misrepresentations designed to mislead the public”.

    The war commences , Corbyn Left v Kiers Centralists

  5. #5

    Re: Anti-Semitism: Labour pays damages for 'hurt' to whistleblowers

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Jeremy Corbyn statement today:

    "Our legal advice was that the party had a strong defence, and the evidence in the leaked Labour report that is now the subject of an NEC inquiry led by Martin Forde QC strengthened concerns about the role played by some of those who took part in the programme.

    "The decision to settle these claims in this way is disappointing, and risks giving credibility to misleading and inaccurate allegations about action taken to tackle anti-Semitism in the Labour party in recent years.

    "To give our members the answers and justice they deserve, the inquiry led by Martin Forde must now fully address the evidence the internal report uncovered of racism, sexism, factionalism and obstruction of Labour’s 2017 general election campaign".
    Jeremy's problem here is that the current leader of the Labour Party can provide his own legal advice and as a former DPP I think he knows the law as well if not better than whoever the previous leadership took advice from!

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    Re: Anti-Semitism: Labour pays damages for 'hurt' to whistleblowers

    Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post
    Jeremy's problem here is that the current leader of the Labour Party can provide his own legal advice and as a former DPP I think he knows the law as well if not better than whoever the previous leadership took advice from!
    I am 100% sure this was a political decision, not one based on assessing legal risk.

  7. #7
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    Re: Anti-Semitism: Labour pays damages for 'hurt' to whistleblowers

    I'm sure Corbyn and the gang turned a blind eye

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    Re: Anti-Semitism: Labour pays damages for 'hurt' to whistleblowers

  9. #9
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    Re: Anti-Semitism: Labour pays damages for 'hurt' to whistleblowers

    I'm sure in time Corbyns mob who had no guts to form their own party ,tried to highjack the Labour party and will be shown in the end to be bitter racist bullies who wasted an opportunity to destroy the Tories.

  10. #10

    Re: Anti-Semitism: Labour pays damages for 'hurt' to whistleblowers

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I'm sure in time Corbyns mob who had no guts to form their own party ,tried to highjack the Labour party and will be shown in the end to be bitter racist bullies who wasted an opportunity to destroy the Tories.
    The infiltrators are the Red Tories.

  11. #11

    Re: Anti-Semitism: Labour pays damages for 'hurt' to whistleblowers

    Starmer has gone from being the unity candidate to a disappointing leader to now needing to be replaced .

  12. #12
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    Re: Anti-Semitism: Labour pays damages for 'hurt' to whistleblowers

    Here we go lads dig deep :

    "But panicked far-left supporters have now launched an online fundraising page in a desperate bid to raise money for*Jeremy Corbyn's legal costs should action be taken against him. The GoFundMe page, organised by Carole Morgan, had already raised nearly £18,000 from close to 1,000 donors at the time of writing. The fundraiser's target is £20,000. The online fundraiser says: "It is reported that John Ware a reporter for Panorama is taking legal action for libel against former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.""

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    Re: Anti-Semitism: Labour pays damages for 'hurt' to whistleblowers

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    Starmer has gone from being the unity candidate to a disappointing leader to now needing to be replaced .
    that plan went well last time , if that happens the Tories will be in power for the next 20 years.

  14. #14

    Re: Anti-Semitism: Labour pays damages for 'hurt' to whistleblowers

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    that plan went well last time , if that happens the Tories will be in power for the next 20 years.
    What is the point of having a Tory lite party in charge if you are a Socialist ???
    Labour was a Socialist party back in the day and has become overrun by Red Tories, it is very likely the Tories will get in for the next 20 years as England will vote Tory but if NI, Wales and Scotland continue to vote for other parties then that scenario could result in the break up of the UK and then perhaps Wales can have a left of center government (if we are not overrun due to white flight and English sentiment at that point).

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    Re: Anti-Semitism: Labour pays damages for 'hurt' to whistleblowers

  16. #16
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    Re: Anti-Semitism: Labour pays damages for 'hurt' to whistleblowers

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    What is the point of having a Tory lite party in charge if you are a Socialist ???
    Labour was a Socialist party back in the day and has become overrun by Red Tories, it is very likely the Tories will get in for the next 20 years as England will vote Tory but if NI, Wales and Scotland continue to vote for other parties then that scenario could result in the break up of the UK and then perhaps Wales can have a left of center government (if we are not overrun due to white flight and English sentiment at that point).
    to be honest Trample I think the country has a socalist few but one that is balanced with a conservatism it may upset a lot that sit and hope for a a more radical left wing agenda , we know from looking back over the decades of our GE its not desirable to voters .

  17. #17

    Re: Anti-Semitism: Labour pays damages for 'hurt' to whistleblowers

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Jeremy Corbyn statement today:

    "Our legal advice was that the party had a strong defence, and the evidence in the leaked Labour report that is now the subject of an NEC inquiry led by Martin Forde QC strengthened concerns about the role played by some of those who took part in the programme.

    "The decision to settle these claims in this way is disappointing, and risks giving credibility to misleading and inaccurate allegations about action taken to tackle anti-Semitism in the Labour party in recent years.

    "To give our members the answers and justice they deserve, the inquiry led by Martin Forde must now fully address the evidence the internal report uncovered of racism, sexism, factionalism and obstruction of Labour’s 2017 general election campaign".
    And do you approve of this statement Jon ?

    Do you condone what has by a legal finding of fact been deemed anti Semitic racism ?

    It's a strange thing to quote - rather like Ted Bundy's letter to his lawyers demanding an appeal after his conviction.

    I think we know the answer, but it's clear that the Labour Party still harbours those who hate Jews.

  18. #18
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    Re: Anti-Semitism: Labour pays damages for 'hurt' to whistleblowers

    Of course I approve of the statement.

    A number of the so-called 'whistleblowers' from Labour HQ have been shown by the internal enquiry and report - now subject to the Martin Forde review - to be sectarians who racially and sexually abused black and women MPs and party workers, slow timed investigations into anti-semitism investigations, and were deliberately doing whatever they could to undermine and embarrass the Corbyn Labour leadership. John Ware's history as a BBC film-maker is clearly from that same camp and with the same motivation.

    I don't know what 'legal finding of fact' you are alluding to or what conviction you think Corbyn has received to make any comparison with Ted Bundy appropriate.

    To be honest I don't think you care at all about anti-semitism. You have used anti-semitic tropes in your previous posts alongside clear Islamophobic comments that caused you no concern! You seem to be very happy to promote false claims and, as you shamefully demonstrated in your last contribution to this subject, you are willing to label Jewish Israelis who challenge their own government's brutal treatment of Palestinians (also applies to Israeli demonstrators against Netanyahu's corruption) as Nazi propagandists!

    You are probably right that the Labour Party harbours some people who hate Jews (as do the other main UK parties) but that does not excuse the sectarian civil war carried out by many party workers under an anti-Corbyn administration (and disciplinary process), the false accusations of anti-semitism that have been made (frequently against Jewish members) alongside justified claims, the sabotage of investigations and disciplinary processes, and now on top of all that the misuse of party funds to pay off people who undermined the 2017 (and probably 2019) election campaigns.

    Anti-semites should be thrown out of the Labour Party (and other parties!). That is the right outcome for some of the 500 or so members or supporters that have been identified since 2016. But many of the claims have been false (in many cases subsequently dropped or changed to 'bringing the party into disrepute'). They have been made to suppress criticism of Israel and justice for Palestinians (successfully) and/or to undermine and slander the previous Corbyn leadership (successfully). That is not just bad news for Labour (and great news for right-wing nationalists like you) but it also fatally undermines any action to tackle the real anti-semitism that is part of our political and civic culture.

    Corbyn was a poor Labour leader for many reasons - not decisive enough, avoided confrontation, bad at uniting and directing a parliamentary party (better on the stump) - but on this he is right!

  19. #19
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    Re: Anti-Semitism: Labour pays damages for 'hurt' to whistleblowers

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Remember back in 2017 that get strange collaration of grime music and Jeremy Corbyn
    It was a pretty unpredictable union – so what was #grime4corbyn, and how did it happen? In my view it happened as the party at the time harboured the wrong nasty views, that attracted vioe hatred, my god they have damaged Labour ,or was that the plan anyways
    , divide and conquer

  20. #20
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Anti-Semitism: Labour pays damages for 'hurt' to whistleblowers

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Remember back in 2017 that get strange collaration of grime music and Jeremy Corbyn
    It was a pretty unpredictable union – so what was #grime4corbyn, and how did it happen? In my view it happened as the party at the time harboured the wrong nasty views, that attracted vioe hatred, my god they have damaged Labour ,or was that the plan anyways
    , divide and conquer
    Wiley's tweets are clearly anti-semitic and likely to encourage hostility to Jewish people. No one could or should defend them!

    (Maybe I live a sheltered life - but I had never heard of him before yesterday).

  21. #21

    Re: Anti-Semitism: Labour pays damages for 'hurt' to whistleblowers

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Remember back in 2017 that get strange collaration of grime music and Jeremy Corbyn
    It was a pretty unpredictable union – so what was #grime4corbyn, and how did it happen? In my view it happened as the party at the time harboured the wrong nasty views, that attracted vioe hatred, my god they have damaged Labour ,or was that the plan anyways
    , divide and conquer
    What do you consider a nasty view on race, just so we know your benchmark?

  22. #22
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    Re: Anti-Semitism: Labour pays damages for 'hurt' to whistleblowers

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    What do you consider a nasty view on race, just so we know your benchmark?
    One that doesn't exist in the Labour party

  23. #23

    Re: Anti-Semitism: Labour pays damages for 'hurt' to whistleblowers

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Of course I approve of the statement.

    A number of the so-called 'whistleblowers' from Labour HQ have been shown by the internal enquiry and report - now subject to the Martin Forde review - to be sectarians who racially and sexually abused black and women MPs and party workers, slow timed investigations into anti-semitism investigations, and were deliberately doing whatever they could to undermine and embarrass the Corbyn Labour leadership. John Ware's history as a BBC film-maker is clearly from that same camp and with the same motivation.

    I don't know what 'legal finding of fact' you are alluding to or what conviction you think Corbyn has received to make any comparison with Ted Bundy appropriate.

    To be honest I don't think you care at all about anti-semitism. You have used anti-semitic tropes in your previous posts alongside clear Islamophobic comments that caused you no concern! You seem to be very happy to promote false claims and, as you shamefully demonstrated in your last contribution to this subject, you are willing to label Jewish Israelis who challenge their own government's brutal treatment of Palestinians (also applies to Israeli demonstrators against Netanyahu's corruption) as Nazi propagandists!

    You are probably right that the Labour Party harbours some people who hate Jews (as do the other main UK parties) but that does not excuse the sectarian civil war carried out by many party workers under an anti-Corbyn administration (and disciplinary process), the false accusations of anti-semitism that have been made (frequently against Jewish members) alongside justified claims, the sabotage of investigations and disciplinary processes, and now on top of all that the misuse of party funds to pay off people who undermined the 2017 (and probably 2019) election campaigns.

    Anti-semites should be thrown out of the Labour Party (and other parties!). That is the right outcome for some of the 500 or so members or supporters that have been identified since 2016. But many of the claims have been false (in many cases subsequently dropped or changed to 'bringing the party into disrepute'). They have been made to suppress criticism of Israel and justice for Palestinians (successfully) and/or to undermine and slander the previous Corbyn leadership (successfully). That is not just bad news for Labour (and great news for right-wing nationalists like you) but it also fatally undermines any action to tackle the real anti-semitism that is part of our political and civic culture.

    Corbyn was a poor Labour leader for many reasons - not decisive enough, avoided confrontation, bad at uniting and directing a parliamentary party (better on the stump) - but on this he is right!

    Methinks the lady doth protest too much !

    Big word salad there aimed at avoiding the issue, but it doesn't alter the truth.

    I think you accused me of being anti Semitic there ????

    The bit about a right wing nationalist is a bit odd too.

    Isn't this a case of you having to reluctantly admit that anti Semitic racism exists in the Labour Party , but trying to pretend that it's less common than it is ?

  24. #24
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    Re: Anti-Semitism: Labour pays damages for 'hurt' to whistleblowers

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    Methinks the lady doth protest too much !

    Big word salad there aimed at avoiding the issue, but it doesn't alter the truth.

    I think you accused me of being anti Semitic there ????

    The bit about a right wing nationalist is a bit odd too.

    Isn't this a case of you having to reluctantly admit that anti Semitic racism exists in the Labour Party , but trying to pretend that it's less common than it is ?
    The Labour party's obcession and dislike of Israel is what drives and attracts the ant semitic types into thier fold ,how anyone can not see that is bewildering.

    Even their own party accepts and admits it exists and how many more examples will we see or hear before it's expected and really dealt with .



    At least 100 witness testimonies describing alleged antisemitic behaviour will be submitted to the equality watchdog’s official investigation into the*Labour*party.

    The number will dismay many in the party and make it difficult to support Jeremy Corbyn’s earlier claims that its problem with antisemitism was*down to a “small number of members and*supporters”.

    The Equality and Human Rights Commission’s decision last week to investigate whether “the party unlawfully discriminated against, harassed or victimised people because they are Jewish” came as Labour’s antisemitism problem showed no sign of abating.

    Last week the party was forced to*suspend Labour NEC member Peter Willsman*for suggesting that the antisemitism row was*“almost certainly”*the work of the Israeli embassy.

    A*Labour*councillor has been suspended over Facebook posts promoting alleged anti-Jewish conspiracy theories.

    Anne Pissaridou is the second Labour representative from*Brighton*and Hove to face investigation in relation to alleged antisemitic content, putting Labour’s minority control of the council at risk.

    Pissaridou, until recently the chair of the authority’s environment, transport and sustainability committee, was reported to the party’s compliance unit last week.

    In March, Nichole Brennan resigned as deputy chair of the housing committee after pictures emerged of her protesting against the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance*definition of antisemitism. She remains under investigation. Both councillors were selected to run for Labour in the city with support from the leftwing Momentum group.

    In Pissaridou’s case, a Labour investigation will centre on a 2016 Facebook post she shared, which was taken from an alleged antisemitic conspiracy theory website.


  25. #25

    Re: Anti-Semitism: Labour pays damages for 'hurt' to whistleblowers


    If I were you I’d start looking at my own posting history before I get on your moral high horse.

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