Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post
It is amusing "2metres apart, but if not 2 metres, then 1 metre". That rule change was brought in to appease the loony element of his party who, in case we forgot, are hell bent on leaving the EU without a deal meaning another big hit on the economy on New Year's Day 2021.

Never mind, perhaps 2022 will be better. They can't **** up 3 years in a row can they?
I’m being cynical but I think the ferret headed spunk bag is purposely spaffing the Covid19 response medically and economically so he has something to blame when Brexit bites the economy firmly on the bollocks. Funnily his reticence to lockdown was influenced because he knows Brexit will bite us economically.

What a ****ing clown we’ve ended up with

He’ll stand in front of the nation, shrugging his shoulders and blaming all and sundry. I wouldn’t be surprised that when the Tory party jettison him he writes in the Telegraph that in his heart of hearts he thought Brexit was a stupid idea and blames a drunken night out with IDS and Gove for his decision to campaign for it.