Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
I get what you're saying but I'd query some of your comments. It may be true to a degree in this country but by no means everywhere. Perhaps you just haven't been to the right places to see. I know where you can see Muslim girls walking around in min skirts and stilettos, going to the beach and the pool and wearing bikinis, and their boyfriends/husbands with them. You can see Muslims enjoying a quiet drink, beer wine, it doesn't make them any less muslim. You can see people of colour on the beach too if you are looking in the right place. I know a girl who was always proud of the difference in her skin colour when she took her wrist watch off after she'd been to the beach.
I'm not trying to agree or disagree I just questioned the generalisation, that's all!
Ok you make a fair point and there's a lot of truth in what you say. However, I'm sure we both agree that criticizing specific groups by religion or ethnicity is completely wrong. The fact is there have been transgressors of all hue and creeds during this emergency and there have been people who have stuck to the rules from all creeds and hues. It's the major reason I believe government should be in control of proceedings because you cannot expect all people to do the right thing all the time if left to their own devices.