Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
I have an American friend in the States who is otherwise a very intelligent and worldy lady - but who has just posted on Facebook a request that her friends pray for her cousin in Michigan as he hit a deer while driving and he is now on life support.
How is that meant to work? Is the god that allowed it to happen in the first place more responsive to undoing things if there are sufficient prayers generated by Facebook users?

It reminded me of when there was an earthquake in Italy which caused many people to perish but a survivor thanked 'God' for saving her.

Great logic.
Yes, I never could work it out. I talked to some of the people handing out some religious pamphlets in Cardiff a while back. Their belief was that the planet was 6,000 years old. They also said that diseases like cancer were created by God to punish people who committed sin. They couldn't explain why some children are born with fatal diseases, one of the old chaps did "those children were born in sin". When I asked him further "Their parents didn't believe in God". "Neither did my parents, but I am still alive and talking to you 40 years on".

Strong beliefs that crumble at the first sight of any logical thought.