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Thread: Coronavirus update - NO MORE RESTRICTIONS

  1. #3951
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    But deaths yesterday for UK are put at 8. I know it's the weekend but it is still low compared with the apparent rise in confirmed cases.
    See how the total pans out by tuesday when all the weekend figures should kick in.

  2. #3952

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    But deaths yesterday for UK are put at 8. I know it's the weekend but it is still low compared with the apparent rise in confirmed cases.
    See how the total pans out by tuesday when all the weekend figures should kick in.
    Deaths lag new infections.

  3. #3953
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    On the subject of anti vaxers, I find the result of this poll both incredible and depressing;-

    I am not anti-vaccination by any stretch of the imagination, but I am sure I would be less enthusiastic to take a vaccine that was only 50-60% effective in trials (I probably would still take it mind). If the vaccine only provided protection for a few months, I'd be in two minds. So, if I was asked in that survey, I probably wouldn't be in the half of Britons who would definitely have the vaccine - purely because of a lack of detail at the present moment.

  4. #3954
    Join Date
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Madassa View Post
    Deaths lag new infections.
    Clearly you have to be infected before you die but there have been reports of a rise (spike) in infections for some time but no equivalent rise in deaths, lagging behind or otherwise. I just hope it continues.

  5. #3955

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post
    I am not anti-vaccination by any stretch of the imagination, but I am sure I would be less enthusiastic to take a vaccine that was only 50-60% effective in trials (I probably would still take it mind). If the vaccine only provided protection for a few months, I'd be in two minds. So, if I was asked in that survey, I probably wouldn't be in the half of Britons who would definitely have the vaccine - purely because of a lack of detail at the present moment.
    I qualify for a flu vaccine every year and have had one for what must be close to ten years now. Each time I have one, I know that it doesn't guarantee that I will be free from flu over the next year and that there may be side effects that leave me feeling very poorly for a while. Seems to me that the benefits still well outweigh the risks when it comes to an annual flu jab and, given the stats on COVID for people of my age, the same would appear to be the case but even more so with that.

    Any harmful side effects from a Covid vaccine would have to be very serious for me to contemplate not having one and you would have thought that, if that were the case, it would not be approved for general use - even if it was only 50/60 per cent effective, I don't get why anyone would turn it down.

  6. #3956

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post
    In my opinion it is very difficult to glean anything from just looking at number of cases vs number of deaths. Firstly, each country uses different ways of recording cases and/or deaths. Secondly, each country tests subjects based on differing criteria. Lastly, even looking at some countries in isolation, their methods of testing and recording have differed over time.

    In the UK, initially only people who were sick were being tested. Now, people are being tested for various reasons. My partner is getting tested weekly as a care worker.

    The data I tend to look at is the data provided by the ONS which is extrapolated from various sources of data.

    One other thing that I think may be causing a more favourable death to case ratio is that I think those people who are more susceptible to getting seriously sick have changed their behaviour over time. Care homes are being better protected than they once were, for example.
    It is entirely possible to get an idea of what is happening if you only look at the outcomes in one country which, presumably, has been using the same or similar methods of compiling new cases and deaths figures. That's why I limited my comments to America where it's clear that more new cases than ever in June and July running into August has not resulted in the level of deaths seen back in March/April when the New York region took the brunt of the hit from the virus.

    It seems unlikely to me that there is one reason alone for this disparity - an American equivalent of the care homes situation in the UK may be one of them and other possibilities have been mentioned earlier, with the possibility that the virus is losing some of its potency being one of them. As I mentioned, I find it more likely that the difference is down to the virus generally affecting younger people than before, but I may well be wrong.

  7. #3957

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    The peak for new cases in the USA has definitely occurred in the last month as can be seen here;-


    but that page also shows you are right because although deaths have risen in the last few weeks, the peak for them definitely occurred during the "first wave" which was based around New York back in March/April and I'd say that the figures would be showing a sign by of climbing to April levels by now if they were going to do so.

    While it takes a level of expertise beyond us on here to make a convincing case that this apparent dilution of the virus' ability to kill humans is down to it mutating into something less lethal (I'm unaware of any study saying this is the case anyway), I'd say that, certainly, in westernised countries that are experiencing a resurgence of cases, there is quite a bit of evidence out there that the more likely Covid sufferer this time around is younger than your typical victim in the late winter/spring, so that should equate to less deaths.

    I'd also say that there are a few treatments proven to be effective against fighting the virus out there now which were not recognised as such a few months ago, so I'd say there are two reasons which are backed by research which confirms the suppositions behind them, so I'd say they are more likely causes for the lower number of deaths than a mutation to something less powerful in the virus.
    The steroid for one, saved my mates mothers life in April. She has COPD, always back and fore to hospital where she caught Covid after a visit. They thought she was a goner and basically said their goodbyes. She pulled through as she already had plenty of the steroid they were about to pump into her in her system. Small simple things, but I guess this is standard procedure for many now.

  8. #3958

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    It is entirely possible to get an idea of what is happening if you only look at the outcomes in one country which, presumably, has been using the same or similar methods of compiling new cases and deaths figures. That's why I limited my comments to America where it's clear that more new cases than ever in June and July running into August has not resulted in the level of deaths seen back in March/April when the New York region took the brunt of the hit from the virus.

    It seems unlikely to me that there is one reason alone for this disparity - an American equivalent of the care homes situation in the UK may be one of them and other possibilities have been mentioned earlier, with the possibility that the virus is losing some of its potency being one of them. As I mentioned, I find it more likely that the difference is down to the virus generally affecting younger people than before, but I may well be wrong.
    Read somewhere bob that the average age of those testing positive in Florida recently was 36, so far younger than in the peak when it was double that. I guess with such a young average they are getting it and surviving also.

  9. #3959
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    Apr 2019

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I qualify for a flu vaccine every year and have had one for what must be close to ten years now. Each time I have one, I know that it doesn't guarantee that I will be free from flu over the next year and that there may be side effects that leave me feeling very poorly for a while. Seems to me that the benefits still well outweigh the risks when it comes to an annual flu jab and, given the stats on COVID for people of my age, the same would appear to be the case but even more so with that.

    Any harmful side effects from a Covid vaccine would have to be very serious for me to contemplate not having one and you would have thought that, if that were the case, it would not be approved for general use - even if it was only 50/60 per cent effective, I don't get why anyone would turn it down.
    It would, maybe, depend on side effects if any. Personally, the only thing that could potentially hold me back is if the vaccine was only effective for a short amount of time. If a vaccine was effective for 1 year and there was a global effort to vaccinate as many people as possible then, even with the anti-vaxxers, the virus would be pretty much beat in a few cycles. If it was only effective for a few months, then poorer nations would forever be at the mercy of the disease. However, saying that, even a vaccine that lasted a short amount of time would be a significant step forward.

  10. #3960

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Read somewhere bob that the average age of those testing positive in Florida recently was 36, so far younger than in the peak when it was double that. I guess with such a young average they are getting it and surviving also.
    To be fair to youngsters, I was surprised by how well observed the March/April and May lockdown was by people of all ages. I thought it would start to falter after about a fortnight, but it didn't. However, I only need to think back to what I was like about forty years ago to see that it would have become increasingly hard to stop my socialising because I may catch something that, in all likelihood, would not do me any lasting harm. Yes, I would have been conscientious enough to think of what I might pass on to elder friends and relatives, but as the time went by, i'd start taking more "risks" and that's what is happening now - rather than knock younger people for this, I've got quite a bit of admiration for them that they lasted out as long as they did.

    Also I think that the whole Dominic Cummings thing definitely had an effect on how well observed lockdowns became.

  11. #3961

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    There were a lot of stories about a month ago about people who had recovered from Covid 19 (maybe some who had the virus but showed few or no symptoms) who had significant long term damage to organs - heart and lungs if I remember rightly. Those stories seem to have dried up - maybe the numbers involved were not that big, I don't know - but I don't think we should only be looking at numbers of deaths to assess the impact.
    There was a feature on Radio 4 this morning about people who still have problems months after having Covid - and the two people I know who have had it, also months ago, are still not back to full health.

  12. #3962
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Coronavirus update

    sorry another copy and past :

    ‘Don’t Kill Granny’ becomes British city’s new social distancing slogan

    Go Preston go

  13. #3963

  14. #3964

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Hardly what you'd expect from a "world beating" test and trace system is it?


    At least this Government that wants to centralise like no other in recent memory has finally bowed to what it has been told by people who know about the subject better than they do for months - there was a locally based system already in place which should have been utilised far more than it has been. The last thing Johnson and co want is a return to the national lockdown seen in the spring, hence the emphasis on dealing with "hotspots" on a local level and yet they still wanted to run the whole thing from London while, essentially, ignoring local advice.

  15. #3965
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    Apr 2019

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Hardly what you'd expect from a "world beating" test and trace system is it?


    At least this Government that wants to centralise like no other in recent memory has finally bowed to what it has been told by people who know about the subject better than they do for months - there was a locally based system already in place which should have been utilised far more than it has been. The last thing Johnson and co want is a return to the national lockdown seen in the spring, hence the emphasis on dealing with "hotspots" on a local level and yet they still wanted to run the whole thing from London while, essentially, ignoring local advice.
    Some will say that it is "common sense at last", but this is clearly an admission of failure. I think there is genuine concern from Johnson (self-concern, but concern nonetheless) that schools will be unable to fully reopen in England in September.

    I suspect that, in light of the bad news, the number of anti-immigration posts will increase on Social Media to divert people's attentions away from the failings of the Government.

  16. #3966

    Re: Coronavirus update

    4 new cases in NZ.

  17. #3967

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Putin has registered a vaccine and tested it on his daughter, she's still alive so they are going ahead by the looks of things.


  18. #3968
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebina View Post
    Putin has registered a vaccine and tested it on his daughter, she's still alive so they are going ahead by the looks of things.

    The glory of the anti-vaxxers if (when) this vaccine turns out to be crap will be unbearable.

  19. #3969

  20. #3970
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Compare that to the reaction of the NZ Government following 4 new cases.


  21. #3971

    Re: Coronavirus update

  22. #3972
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post

    I was fully supportive of the Government at the time that the lockdowns were announced. I still think the lockdowns were effective, but during that time we learnt about the tragic handling of care homes. We were then presented with the Chief Advisor breaking his own rules, and despite my loathing of Cummings, it was TV that was only watchable behind a pillow, it was that bad.

    In an effort to bury bad news with good, England opened up at a super fast rate, and because there were no "spikes" within a day or two of 500,000 people going to the South Coast, or pubs re-opening, the cautious approach of Drakeford was seen as "him just trying to be different" to the forelock tuggers. With 4 million people placed into lockdown, some before the previous lockdown had actually ended, the scientific advisors warned that "we were at the edge of what we can do" - the implication being that there may well be a choice between opening pubs, or opening classrooms.

    As over-zealous as ever to tell us how wonderful they are, they divulged the results of a study that, just a day later, has been called "a work in progress". Johnson warns of some "bumpy months ahead" today, with 220,000 people losing their jobs during furlough, and three times as many likely to lose their jobs immediately post furlough ending.

    While the figures are, currently, low the writing does seem to be on the wall that if any Government is walking into a new national lockdown, then it is this one. They'll be singing hurrah and giving it the old "It'll all be over by Christmas" British bravado along the way, and proclaiming British Common Sense as the biggest weapon in the entire world. Johnson is so stupid, I've got even money on him being the first World Leader to get the virus twice.

  23. #3973

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post

    I was fully supportive of the Government at the time that the lockdowns were announced. I still think the lockdowns were effective, but during that time we learnt about the tragic handling of care homes. We were then presented with the Chief Advisor breaking his own rules, and despite my loathing of Cummings, it was TV that was only watchable behind a pillow, it was that bad.

    In an effort to bury bad news with good, England opened up at a super fast rate, and because there were no "spikes" within a day or two of 500,000 people going to the South Coast, or pubs re-opening, the cautious approach of Drakeford was seen as "him just trying to be different" to the forelock tuggers. With 4 million people placed into lockdown, some before the previous lockdown had actually ended, the scientific advisors warned that "we were at the edge of what we can do" - the implication being that there may well be a choice between opening pubs, or opening classrooms.

    As over-zealous as ever to tell us how wonderful they are, they divulged the results of a study that, just a day later, has been called "a work in progress". Johnson warns of some "bumpy months ahead" today, with 220,000 people losing their jobs during furlough, and three times as many likely to lose their jobs immediately post furlough ending.

    While the figures are, currently, low the writing does seem to be on the wall that if any Government is walking into a new national lockdown, then it is this one. They'll be singing hurrah and giving it the old "It'll all be over by Christmas" British bravado along the way, and proclaiming British Common Sense as the biggest weapon in the entire world. Johnson is so stupid, I've got even money on him being the first World Leader to get the virus twice.
    I can remember being incredulous back in June when someone in authority said it would be September before track and trace in the UK would be working properly - that looks an over optimistic forecast now. I know it's not really true, but, having been tardy int he extreme when it came to preparation for the virus back in the early months of the year, it sometimes feels like the Government have been doing nothing since lockdown was relaxed except for trying to "save the summer" when it comes to what we may face in the coming weeks and months.

  24. #3974
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I can remember being incredulous back in June when someone in authority said it would be September before track and trace in the UK would be working properly - that looks an over optimistic forecast now. I know it's not really true, but, having been tardy int he extreme when it came to preparation for the virus back in the early months of the year, it sometimes feels like the Government have been doing nothing since lockdown was relaxed except for trying to "save the summer" when it comes to what we may face in the coming weeks and months.
    Amazingly, the Government planned on putting people first before business. Now, it is the other way around. And, the Government doesn't appear to have saved anything.

  25. #3975
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Missed the target again today. Maybe it will be easier to say when they do hit the target.

    French PM says covid war going wrong way with 1,397 cases. Johnson says nothing with 1,148 cases.

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