Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post
Meant to reply to this earlier.

I would describe myself as a Tory voter rather than a Tory which implies a level of support for the party I do not have.

For many years I voted Liberal or SDP or Lib Dem or sometimes Tory. My Dad was a Liberal my grandfather before him even more so, he was from North Wales and really did know Lloyd George!

There is not really a plethora of parties as an alternative. The Liberals shot themselves in the foot with their ridiculous pledge to overturn the referendum result if they got into power (that went well!).

I don't see us being better of if Wales became independent sometime soon so that rules out Plaid.

Which leaves Labour. And yes despite your rather disparaging remark what about them?

I may have some reservations about the Tory performance but that does not mean I will unquestionably vote for Labour just because they have a new leader.

He has done reasonably well particularly at PMQ's where he has often tied Boris in knots, but then as a barrister and ex DPP he really should be able to speak and debate well

But Labour seem to be going back to the olf opposition for oppositions sake which to an extent I can understand but I had hoped that more constructive opposition was here to stay.

As regards your last point well yes I knew about John Penrose. I looked up Dido Harding when she was appointed to Track and Trace some weeks ago.

Then I looked him up. Took a couple of minutes.

You do an excellent quiz before games which must take considerable research.

I an surprised it took Mr Schneider to tell you about Penrose.

Incidentally I am concerned with what is revealed more than who provides the information.

Presumably your are suggesting there is something corrupt about Dido Harding's new appointment?
I knew of Penrose's connection to that organisation that has, apparently, backed privatising the NHS, but not that he was the Government's anti corruption "champion".

Is there something corrupt about Dido Harding's new appointment? I don't know, but I definitely say it is distinctly dodgy and reeks of cronyism of a type that does any political party who indulges in it no favours and it's far from the first instance of jobs for the boys/girls type appointments from a Government that is so intent on trying to centralise things.

I find your comments on the two main parties interesting. On the one hand, after the obligatory "I may have some reservations about the Tory performance", you then, presumably, excuse them completely as you tell me what is wrong with some of the non Labour alternatives who you write off completely on what seem fairly flimsy grounds to me in the case of the Lib Dems.

As for Labour, your main criticism of them appears to be the line that I heard Johnson laughably coming out with during one PMQ session that the opposition is not supporting the Government enough! My guess is that there are plenty of Labour supporters who are critical of their party for giving this Government which, even with making allowances for the crisis' that have been thrust upon them, are unusually error and u turn prone too easy a ride.

I've asked on couple of occasions on here just what is it in this Government's performance in the nine months since the election that is making 40 per cent plus of those who vote stick with them? What answers I've got back have tended to be of the "yeah, but what about Labour" type and there is of course those who still place such stall on getting Brexit "done". There is a third reason I hear from time to time which I'd say strikes me as a desperation on those who use its part not to admit they were wrong to support the Conservatives - they say the Government are trying their best and working really hard.

Really? Some of them may be, but Johnson? Working hard? I think not.


It's in the nature of things I suppose, you pick holes in the party you disapprove of's performance while ignoring or excusing equally bad or worse aspects of your own party's workings - I do the former continuously with the Tories and although not so much during this century, I tend to to go easy on the Labour party, but, truly, the amount Conservative voters have had to sweep under the carpet as they stay loyal to Johnson and co is truly breathtaking, what will it take for them to start saying enough is enough?