Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
The "independent thinkers" checklist is now available at all good bookstores, allowing you to record their opinions on;-

1. Donald Trump.
2. Brexit.
3. Covid 19.
4. Climate change.
5. Race and BLM.
6. Vaccines.
7. Islam.
8. The Democratic Party.
9. "Elites", Illuminati etc.
10. The media.

There have been complaints from some quarters that there is not enough room on these check lists to record varying opinions from these free thinkers who see life differently from the rest of us, but the manufacturers point out that their research has shown that no more room is required because their opinions on these subjects always turn out to be exactly the same.

When you think about how these, self acclaimed, intelligent men and women trot out the same old slogans such as "orange man bad" , whatever those three letters are which are supposed to signify someone who is mad enough to disagree with them on Trump etc and how these so called Libertarians are so intolerant of any opinion that is different from their owns, you really do see how pathetic they really are - the most amusing thing is that they are the ones that keep telling us we're brainwashed !
Notice you've missed out the most important one, child human trafficking,