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Thread: Jewish group walks away from Labour

  1. #476

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    There we """Oh do f**k off you sanctimonious little c**t " go the old nasty side of socialism , inclusiveness for all , and hard man behind a keyboard .

    That's me done on this one ( game set and match )
    If those words hurt you more than the ones where I called you a bigot/racist/misogynist/paedophile defender... you've not only lost the argument, you've lost the f**king plot

  2. #477

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    If those words hurt you more than the ones where I called you a bigot/racist/misogynist/paedophile defender... you've not only lost the argument, you've lost the f**king plot
    But he fessed up to some of that in this late night outburst, probably posted just after Lynchburg, Tennessee got called for Trump

    I've never pretending to be all inclusive or display righteousness as a this awful political party did .

    People don't vote for me Labpur party however should be beyond this behaviour, and better than me .

  3. #478

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    But he fessed up to some of that in this late night outburst, probably posted just after Lynchburg, Tennessee got called for Trump
    I think that post is probably still hungover

  4. #479
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    I think that post is probably still hungover
    shame on you both trivialising this matter ,explains a lot .

  5. #480

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    shame on you both trivialising this matter ,explains a lot .
    Sorry, thought you had taken your tennis racquet away after game set and match.

    What I am not trivialising are two things.

    Any shred of evidence that I have posted, supported or condoned anti-semitism in the Labour Party and

    Copious amounts of evidence that you are a racist, misogynist.

    Now if you have proof to support the former or to disprove the latter then put up or shut up.

  6. #481

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    shame on you both trivialising this matter ,explains a lot .
    I'm shocked! Genuinely shocked by this post!

    You spelled 'trivialising' correctly and put it in the right context.

  7. #482

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Sorry, thought you had taken your tennis racquet away after game set and match.

    What I am not trivialising are two things.

    Any shred of evidence that I have posted, supported or condoned anti-semitism in the Labour Party and

    Copious amounts of evidence that you are a racist, misogynist.

    Now if you have proof to support the former or to disprove the latter then put up or shut up.
    People like you come on here with your bloody facts......

    By the way, my tbg emoji has disappeared

  8. #483

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    People like you come on here with your bloody facts......

    By the way, my tbg emoji has disappeared
    Who said you can't put it back in the bottle?:tbg:

  9. #484
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    I'm shocked! Genuinely shocked by this post!

    You spelled 'trivialising' correctly and put it in the right context.
    Its all hear for folk to read your petty comments just mask your real problems ,everything you type into this message and thread proves beyond doubt your approach to the whole issue , the people who suffered for this dreadful incident would weep if they could read your silly responses :

    eir Starmer MP, Leader of the Labour Party, in his statement responding to the EHRC’s report into anti-semitism in the Labour Party, said:


    This morning the Equality and Human Rights Commission published their final report into anti-semitism in the Labour Party.

    I want to thank Caroline Waters, David Isaac and everyone at the Commission for their work in the last year and a half.

    It is a comprehensive, rigorous, and thoroughly professional report.

    When the Commission was set up by the last Labour Government to tackle discrimination, promote equality, and protect human rights.

    It never occurred to me or anyone else, that one day the Labour Party would be investigated for breaching the equality legislation that a Labour Government had introduced.

    Worse still, that the Labour Party would be found to have committed unlawful acts under that same legislation.

    But that is what this report finds.

    Both in terms of unlawful harassment through the acts of our agents and unlawful indirect discrimination.

    The report’s conclusions are clear.

    And stark.

    They leave no room for equivocation.

    The report finds:

    Serious failings in leadership, processes and culture in dealing with anti-semitism within our Party;

    specific examples of unlawful harassment and unlawful indirect discrimination; “clear examples” of political interference from the Leaders’ Office in anti-semitism cases;

    an inadequate process for handling complaints of anti-semitism;

    a failure to deliver adequate training for staff responsible for investigating cases;

    repeated failure to implement the recommendations of previous reports into anti-semitism;

    A culture that is, and I quote: “at odds with the Labour Party’s commitment to zero-tolerance of anti-semitism”;

    And – perhaps most telling of all: “a clear breakdown of trust between the Labour Party, many of its members and the Jewish community.”

    I found this report hard to read.

    And it is a day of shame for the Labour Party.

    We have failed Jewish people.

    Our members.

    Our supporters.

    And the British public.

    And so: on behalf of the Labour Party: I am truly sorry for all the pain and grief that has been caused.

    To Jewish people, our Jewish members, our long-standing Jewish affiliate, JLM.

    To the people driven out of our Party, the Jewish Members driven out of Parliament, including Louise Ellman and Luciana Berger.

    And to the members of Labour Party staff who spoke out, I want to say this: I know how hard these last few years have been for you.

    How painful today will be and how hard you have had to fight to have your voices heard.

    So let me be clear, I hear you.

    And I can promise you this: I will act.

    Never again will Labour let you down.

    Never again will we fail to tackle anti-semitism.

    And never again will we lose your trust.

    The Labour Party I lead accepts this report in full.

    And without qualification.

    We will implement all the recommendations.

    And we will implement them in full.

    That process starts today.

    I have already instructed my staff to start work with the Commission to implement the recommendations at the earliest possible opportunity.

    We will provide the Commission with our action plan to achieve all of this within six weeks.

    We will establish an independent complaints process – and it will be in place as soon as possible in the New Year.

    We will ensure that neither the Leader, the Deputy Leader nor our offices will have any involvement in the outcome of complaints initiated under the Labour Party processes

    And we are already addressing the backlog of anti-semitism cases. In fact, there have been more cases completed in the last six months than in the whole of 2019.

    But we will go much further.

    And we must go further.

    Because – as the report makes clear – this cannot be solved just by changing the Labour Party’s processes and structures.

    We also need a culture change in the Labour Party.

    It must become, once again, an open and welcoming place for people from all backgrounds, and all communities.

    Under my leadership, zero-tolerance of anti-semitism will mean precisely that.

    If you’re anti-semitic, you should be nowhere near this Party.

    And we’ll make sure you’re not.

    And if – after all the pain, all the grief, and all the evidence in this report, there are still those who think there’s no problem with anti-semitism in the Labour Party. That it’s all exaggerated, or a factional attack.

    Then, frankly, you are part of the problem too. And you should be nowhere near the Labour Party either.

    This report is painful to read.

    But I urge everyone to do so.

    Because this must be a line in the sand.

    There can be no more missed opportunities

    No more denials or excuses.

    Under my leadership, Labour will act decisively against anti-semitism in all its forms.

    We will repair the breach.

    I know it will take time

    And hard work.

    But when I stood for leader of this Party, I was clear that my first priority would be to root out anti-semitism.

    And rebuild trust.

    That started in April

    We have made progress. It will intensify today.

    But I will only consider it a success when those members who left our Party because of anti-semitism feel safe to return.

    And when we no longer hear the words “Labour” and “anti-semitism” in the same sentence.

    Thank you.

  10. #485

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Its all hear for folk to read your petty comments just mask your real problems ,everything you type into this message and thread proves beyond doubt your approach to the whole issue , the people who suffered for this dreadful incident would weep if they could read your silly responses :
    I don't understand how you still can't grasp the situation.

    I read the EHRC report and said it was "pretty damning". I'm happy that Starmer suspended Corbyn (and Long-Bailey). For you to continue to pretend that I've said otherwise is, frankly, showing how thick you are. If you could debate properly, I'd happily refrain from pointing that out.

    The worst thing about this is that I don't even identify as a Labour supporter - they are just the only party even close to being capable of stopping a Tory Govt.

    As for you posting "the people who suffered for this dreadful incident would weep if they could read your silly responses". I'm sure that they'd be bright enough to see that all of my "silly responses" have been mocking you for your faux outrage. If you want to talk about how the Jewish community may respond to each others' posts about the issue... I wonder how they'd feel about you saying "it's been happening since Billy The Kid" in regards to the murder of 11 Jews at a synagogue by a right-wing terrorist... or when you said "Jewish Americans especially in New York state and the Eastern Seaboard have huge infrastructures , finances and influence" which is one of the biggest anti-Semitic tropes in existence and is incredibly offensive to the Jewish community.

    We can go around in circles if you want, but only one of us genuinely cares about this issue - and it isn't you. You don't have a clue about anti-Semitism, you're just regurgitating the same shit to try to prove a point that isn't even clear. We know you will use anything to have a go at Labour and that's fine. But to pretend that you care about racism and bigotry is a joke. You are, in fact, a racist as more than a dozen of your posts have proven over the last few years.

    Thank you.

    Oh yeah, I almost forgot.... game, set and match.

  11. #486
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    I don't understand how you still can't grasp the situation.

    I read the EHRC report and said it was "pretty damning". I'm happy that Starmer suspended Corbyn (and Long-Bailey). For you to continue to pretend that I've said otherwise is, frankly, showing how thick you are. If you could debate properly, I'd happily refrain from pointing that out.

    The worst thing about this is that I don't even identify as a Labour supporter - they are just the only party even close to being capable of stopping a Tory Govt.

    As for you posting "the people who suffered for this dreadful incident would weep if they could read your silly responses". I'm sure that they'd be bright enough to see that all of my "silly responses" have been mocking you for your faux outrage. If you want to talk about how the Jewish community may respond to each others' posts about the issue... I wonder how they'd feel about you saying "it's been happening since Billy The Kid" in regards to the murder of 11 Jews at a synagogue by a right-wing terrorist... or when you said "Jewish Americans especially in New York state and the Eastern Seaboard have huge infrastructures , finances and influence" which is one of the biggest anti-Semitic tropes in existence and is incredibly offensive to the Jewish community.

    We can go around in circles if you want, but only one of us genuinely cares about this issue - and it isn't you. You don't have a clue about anti-Semitism, you're just regurgitating the same shit to try to prove a point that isn't even clear. We know you will use anything to have a go at Labour and that's fine. But to pretend that you care about racism and bigotry is a joke. You are, in fact, a racist as more than a dozen of your posts have proven over the last few years.

    Thank you.

    Oh yeah, I almost forgot.... game, set and match.
    If was only faux !! That's rich , you don't fool anybody and in case you've not noticed very few people follow your political comments, many have PM me to support that theory, your bitterness and narrow mindset overwhelms and shows .

    Your name calling supports the bitterness that exists in your world.

    Keep safe behind your bitter keyboard .

  12. #487

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    very few people follow your political comments, many have PM me to support that theory,
    I have to be honest here. I am one of these people. This is my PM:

    Hi LOM! How are you doing? Just to let you know, I'm not following Heisenberg's comments. They're too bitter for me.

    Stay safe!

  13. #488

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    If was only faux !! That's rich , you don't fool anybody and in case you've not noticed very few people follow your political comments, many have PM me to support that theory, your bitterness and narrow mindset overwhelms and shows .

    Your name calling supports the bitterness that exists in your world.

    Keep safe behind your bitter keyboard .
    Calm down there, Trump. "Many people are saying that Heisenberg is a bitter bastard. Many, many people. Lots of PMs".

    Are you still getting supportive PMs, LoM? Because you've been publicly abandoned by your Klan, haven't you? No Gluey or RonnieBird jumping in to defend your obvious racism as "no, you're all missing LoM's point about why he said something completely awful about Jewish people - he actually meant..." etc etc.

    You keep crying about "name calling" as if that makes you somehow superior. LoM... you're a racist - so that's what I'm going to call you. As well as every other word that's appropriate to someone with your beliefs that they'd share in a public forum.

    If Cyril created a list of all of the horrible things you've said about different parts of society, it would make Gluey's 'tantrum wall' look like he was a decent human being with sensible views.

    Essentially, I couldn't give a flying f**k what your opinion is about me because you're nothing but hypocritical scum. Why would I take personal offence from the words of a racist?

    Keep safe behind your facade.

    (P.S. The Donald Trump Thread seems to be missing you. Your premature gloating has aged well).

  14. #489

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    I have to be honest here. I am one of these people. This is my PM:

    Hi LOM! How are you doing? Just to let you know, I'm not following Heisenberg's comments. They're too bitter for me.

    Stay safe!
    You turncoat!

  15. #490

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    I have to be honest here. I am one of these people. This is my PM:

    Hi LOM! How are you doing? Just to let you know, I'm not following Heisenberg's comments. They're too bitter for me.

    Stay safe!

    LoM, even though I never ever follow him I know Heisenburg is wrong. He can stick his noodles up his arse as far as I am concerned.

    Thoughts and prayers

  16. #491

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    You turncoat!
    Don't try to trick me into following you

  17. #492

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    You bastards

  18. #493

    Re: Jewish group walks away from Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    You bastards
    Some or all of the content shared in this post is disputed and might be misleading about an issue or other CCMB process.

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