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  1. #76


    Quote Originally Posted by Allez Allez Allez View Post
    On the Isaacs case, it is incredible that someone purpotedly from a finance background has got this wrong. Isaacs owned more than 2% of the club before his shares were diluted. His claim is, surely, that his shares were worth £10m at the time that he owned 10% before Tan then diluted them to take control of the club. He isn't claiming the club is worth £500m. He is claiming that his shares were worth £10m before Tan devalued each and every share he owned by bringing out a new share ownership.

    On the Sala case, the guy was on a plane ready to come to Wales to play a game within 48 hours. Are the club saying he wouldn't have played that game at the time? And didn't the club say that "once a bluebird, always a bluebird" at the time of huge media attention?
    You are quite right about the Michael Isaac shareholding dilution- I was reporting on what was said by Mehmet Dalman at the meeting.
    On checking the figures this evening, MI held approximately 11.4% of the shares in issue as at August 2011. As a result of new share issues and debt to equity conversions by Vincent Tan this has diluted greatly.As per an Annual Return in October 2020 there were just over 946m shares in issue of which nearly 930m were in the name of Vincent Tan (98%). Michael Isaac’s 11.2m shares now represent only just over 1% of the total.

  2. #77

  3. #78


    Quote Originally Posted by City123 View Post
    I'm pretty resigned to Mick getting a 2 year deal if he gets us top half
    Got to admire the club. We hired MM to give us time to implement a long term plan.

    Do you have a plan? No. Are you going to make a plan? No.

  4. #79



    I think even this list is a bit dated....I think pretty much every Premier League team and probably the majority of Europe's elite teams have a DOF.

    Saying a DOF is a waste of money is a bit like saying that you don't need a good dietician or sports psychologist.

    ..........I hope Mehmet and Choo are right and the rest of Europe's top teams are wrong.

  5. #80


    Quote Originally Posted by Allez Allez Allez View Post
    The increase in capacity was badly needed, fair play.
    Got Welsh football back into a "FOOTBALL STADIUM"

  6. #81


    Quote Originally Posted by BLUETIT View Post
    Director of Football, WHY ! They already have their committee in place and want to go down the road of buying younger players to bring the age of the squad down. Plus possibly earn cash from sell ons.
    One thing to add to this was that they feel theyve recently brought additional "football knowledge' into the club in David Hughes and also someone who used to be at Arsenal who is now leading our recruitment department (or a similar role). Suggestions that whilst Harris brought both Ng and Watters to the table; was partially the reason behind a shift in our transfer activity in this window. Can't remember the guys name off top of my head.

  7. #82
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninian opinian View Post
    Very good write up.

    Whatever the limits of participation or of notice, and regardless of whether we agree with the Board on some or all issues, it is good to see the club doing this sort of wide ranging meeting.

    Long overdue but welcome.

  8. #83


    Quote Originally Posted by Divine Wright View Post

    I think even this list is a bit dated....I think pretty much every Premier League team and probably the majority of Europe's elite teams have a DOF.

    Saying a DOF is a waste of money is a bit like saying that you don't need a good dietician or sports psychologist.

    ..........I hope Mehmet and Choo are right and the rest of Europe's top teams are wrong.
    As I alluded to earlier, the attitude towards the transfer Committee described in this thread by those who were at the meeting is suggestive of a degree of complacency and self satisfaction on the subject which is hardly merited by our record when it comes to new signings in the time since the Committee was set up (i believe it was in either Ole or Slade's time in charge).

  9. #84


    Did anyone ask about rebate on season tickets for this season?

  10. #85


    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage Shanks View Post
    Did anyone ask about rebate on season tickets for this season?
    Not specifically but the subject of 21/22 season tickets was raised and Ken Choo stated that they had not decided on the subject yet. An answer I was a little surprised at.

  11. #86


    Quote Originally Posted by ccfcwelshlad View Post
    One thing to add to this was that they feel theyve recently brought additional "football knowledge' into the club in David Hughes and also someone who used to be at Arsenal who is now leading our recruitment department (or a similar role). Suggestions that whilst Harris brought both Ng and Watters to the table; was partially the reason behind a shift in our transfer activity in this window. Can't remember the guys name off top of my head.
    In fairness the actual job titles aren't as important as having people at the club doing the right kind of things.

  12. #87


    Quote Originally Posted by Divine Wright View Post

    I think even this list is a bit dated....I think pretty much every Premier League team and probably the majority of Europe's elite teams have a DOF.

    Saying a DOF is a waste of money is a bit like saying that you don't need a good dietician or sports psychologist.

    ..........I hope Mehmet and Choo are right and the rest of Europe's top teams are wrong.
    yes it's a bit out of date I think, and not all of the DoF in here do exactly the same kind of thing, it is pretty compelling that pretty much every club that has kicked on in recent years has done so by taking a longer term approach than the average tenure of a manager (about 18 months)
    if you leave everything up to the manager they know that in 18 months they'll be in another club most likely, so whey aren't incentiveised to do anything other than a quick fix.

    worth noting that none of the DoF on that list are grizzled former managers either.
    people were suggesting Warnock as a DoF this time last year ffs

  13. #88


    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    In fairness the actual job titles aren't as important as having people at the club doing the right kind of things.
    Welshlad is the poster I would trust more than anyone else on here when it comes to inside info at the club and I'm not accusing him of anything here, but, if it were me representing City at that meeting and I knew that we'd recently appointed a new Head of Recruitment or something similar, I would make sure that I mentioned it - odd that it wasn't.

  14. #89


    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Welshlad is the poster I would trust more than anyone else on here when it comes to inside info at the club and I'm not accusing him of anything here, but, if it were me representing City at that meeting and I knew that we'd recently appointed a new Head of Recruitment or something similar, I would make sure that I mentioned it - odd that it wasn't.
    Sorry Paul my original post wasn't clear; I was at the meeting so no inside knowledge here!!

    I'm pretty sure I'm not making up () but it's strange that no-one else has mentioned it. It seemed almost a throwaway comment from Choo; that we had brought someone on-board. There was a conversation around the lack of DoF. Dalman suggested that we potentially didn't need one; and then Choo started talking about the fact that David Hughes had been brought in for additional football knowledge and to allow the previous academy manager to focus on other areas of running the academy. He then made an additional comment about bringing someone in some sort of recruitment capacity. I'm sure there was a connection with Arsenal, the name Baddiel sounds right because I immediately thought of Baddiel and Skinner at the time but I potentially could've misheard. That part of the conversation then switched to Ng and Watters and were suggested as evidence of our change in tact on transfers (though was made clear that Harris was fully on-board with both).

    Maybe I dreamt it .

    I wasn't able to make the meeting until last minute due to something coming up at work so didn't really take any notes, etc as was a little rushed.

  15. #90


    Quote Originally Posted by ccfcwelshlad View Post
    Sorry Paul my original post wasn't clear; I was at the meeting so no inside knowledge here!!

    I'm pretty sure I'm not making up () but it's strange that no-one else has mentioned it. It seemed almost a throwaway comment from Choo; that we had brought someone on-board. There was a conversation around the lack of DoF. Dalman suggested that we potentially didn't need one; and then Choo started talking about the fact that David Hughes had been brought in for additional football knowledge and to allow the previous academy manager to focus on other areas of running the academy. He then made an additional comment about bringing someone in some sort of recruitment capacity. I'm sure there was a connection with Arsenal, the name Baddiel sounds right because I immediately thought of Baddiel and Skinner at the time but I potentially could've misheard. That part of the conversation then switched to Ng and Watters and were suggested as evidence of our change in tact on transfers (though was made clear that Harris was fully on-board with both).

    Maybe I dreamt it .

    I wasn't able to make the meeting until last minute due to something coming up at work so didn't really take any notes, etc as was a little rushed.
    Thanks very much for the reply - so having given you the big build up, maybe it's not best to take what you say as the absolute truth this time

  16. #91


    just looking on the club's linked in page, which if it's as up to date as mine is probably meaningless, but there's a guy called Tim Henderson in a "head of scouting" role, previously at Swansea in between 2012-2018 as head of player recruitment

    joined in Apr 2019.

  17. #92


    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    So Vinny had a "good" offer to sell the club but didn't budge?

    It would be really interesting and helpful if it were revealed why he did not sell.

    Is it a) because he wants a "great" offer and a "good" offer falls way short? (If so, he's inhabiting cloud cuckoo land once again, just like he did with his whacko red idea!)

    Or, b) because he's still got some sort of weird and wonderful plan to hoist Cardiff into a top top club on a shoestring budget and with a dearth of good personnel at the helm?

    Or, c) is he indulging some deep rooted Freudian obsession?

    Whichever way he doesn't feel inclined to share the big picture with us mere fans. Are we all just stuck in limbo with him and his inner demons?
    You obviously have no respect whatsoever for a man who saved this club from bankruptcy and has bankrolled it for the last 8/9 years, during a period of unprecedented success. He is also currently keeping it going to the tune of £3m a month and has converted most of his debt to equity. You should get down on your knees and thank god that he has been here, rather than posting snidey remarks about him. PS. Why should he tell you or anyone else why he didn't want to sell the club. He has already hoisted Cardiff City into the Premier League on a shoestring budget - twice - but apparently thats still not good enough for some.

  18. #93


    Quote Originally Posted by BLUETIT View Post
    You obviously don't know me WTF is POWERPOINT ????

  19. #94


    Quote Originally Posted by ccfcwelshlad View Post
    Sorry Paul my original post wasn't clear; I was at the meeting so no inside knowledge here!!

    I'm pretty sure I'm not making up () but it's strange that no-one else has mentioned it. It seemed almost a throwaway comment from Choo; that we had brought someone on-board. There was a conversation around the lack of DoF. Dalman suggested that we potentially didn't need one; and then Choo started talking about the fact that David Hughes had been brought in for additional football knowledge and to allow the previous academy manager to focus on other areas of running the academy. He then made an additional comment about bringing someone in some sort of recruitment capacity. I'm sure there was a connection with Arsenal, the name Baddiel sounds right because I immediately thought of Baddiel and Skinner at the time but I potentially could've misheard. That part of the conversation then switched to Ng and Watters and were suggested as evidence of our change in tact on transfers (though was made clear that Harris was fully on-board with both).

    Maybe I dreamt it .

    I wasn't able to make the meeting until last minute due to something coming up at work so didn't really take any notes, etc as was a little rushed.

    This is exactly how I heard/took, it. You are correct in every way.

    PS:----- It was to long for me to print out, I only cover basics, then let others fill in the spaces I can't remember the Arsenal's fella name either

  20. #95


    Quote Originally Posted by dml1954 View Post
    You obviously have no respect whatsoever for a man who saved this club from bankruptcy and has bankrolled it for the last 8/9 years, during a period of unprecedented success. He is also currently keeping it going to the tune of £3m a month and has converted most of his debt to equity. You should get down on your knees and thank god that he has been here, rather than posting snidey remarks about him. PS. Why should he tell you or anyone else why he didn't want to sell the club. He has already hoisted Cardiff City into the Premier League on a shoestring budget - twice - but apparently thats still not good enough for some.
    Are you some sort of joke or what?

    Get down on my knees you ridiculous idiot? Who do you think this guy is, Mother Teresa in disguise? He's a businessman whose motives are transactional, he gets something out of the club by putting in. It may not always be financial reward, it can be for reasons of elevating status and ego massaging which for many business people are reasons enough for starting a project.

    Some of us have supported Cardiff City for years and we too have a stake in the club as a lifetime emotional investment. I would say ethically the owner of the club has an obligation to keep the fans informed of his long term intentions and plans for the club.

    I'm surprised to see that no one else has picked up on the fact the chap admitted he's had what he classified as a "good" offer for the club so what is he looking for? If he's holding out for a better offer then I think he may be waiting an awful long time. If he's reluctant or unable to fund the club sufficiently to develop it then it might be a good idea to sell up. If on the other hand he genuinely felt the credentials of the person (s) making this offer were doubtful why didn't he say it? That would only boost his popularity I'd say.

    I've said previously I think you're Mehmet Dalman so my question to you is why do you think two promotions resulting in two instant relegations leaving us in a weaker position is anything to gloat about?

  21. #96


    Quote Originally Posted by ccfcwelshlad View Post
    Sorry Paul my original post wasn't clear; I was at the meeting so no inside knowledge here!!

    I'm pretty sure I'm not making up () but it's strange that no-one else has mentioned it. It seemed almost a throwaway comment from Choo; that we had brought someone on-board. There was a conversation around the lack of DoF. Dalman suggested that we potentially didn't need one; and then Choo started talking about the fact that David Hughes had been brought in for additional football knowledge and to allow the previous academy manager to focus on other areas of running the academy. He then made an additional comment about bringing someone in some sort of recruitment capacity. I'm sure there was a connection with Arsenal, the name Baddiel sounds right because I immediately thought of Baddiel and Skinner at the time but I potentially could've misheard. That part of the conversation then switched to Ng and Watters and were suggested as evidence of our change in tact on transfers (though was made clear that Harris was fully on-board with both).

    Maybe I dreamt it .

    I wasn't able to make the meeting until last minute due to something coming up at work so didn't really take any notes, etc as was a little rushed.
    I think the name was Kevin Bodell and that his name was in the local media a few months as having been brought into the club but haven`t had time to search for the article concerned.

  22. #97


    Quote Originally Posted by Since62 View Post
    I think the name was Kevin Bodell and that his name was in the local media a few months as having been brought into the club but haven`t had time to search for the article concerned.
    You remembering Kevin helped . Beadell*

    Mentioned in this article - "Head of emerging talent" - https://www.walesonline.co.uk/sport/...-huge-19313417

  23. #98


    Quote Originally Posted by BLUETIT View Post
    This is exactly how I heard/took, it. You are correct in every way.

    PS:----- It was to long for me to print out, I only cover basics, then let others fill in the spaces I can't remember the Arsenal's fella name either
    - did honestly start thinking that I had dreamt it.

  24. #99
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccfcwelshlad View Post
    You remembering Kevin helped . Beadell*

    Mentioned in this article - "Head of emerging talent" - https://www.walesonline.co.uk/sport/...-huge-19313417
    Does anyone know what 'head of emerging talent' means? Is it recruitment to the Academy, or something wider than that?

    The club website doesn't show Tim Henderson (scouting?) or Kevin Beadell (head of emerging talent) on its' management or club staff pages.

  25. #100


    Quote Originally Posted by ccfcwelshlad View Post
    You remembering Kevin helped . Beadell*

    Mentioned in this article - "Head of emerging talent" - https://www.walesonline.co.uk/sport/...-huge-19313417
    Watch out Beadell's about

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