Quote Originally Posted by Seabird View Post
I caught a little of Emma Hayes and I have to admit that I didn't understand a lot of what she was saying - I am still stuck on a "low block". FFS.
Is that the one who sounds like a female Glenn Hoddle, both vocally and in her turn of phrase ? If so, she is excruciatingly bad.

While the analysis provided by some of the female pundits is OK, what I dislike intensely is them being introduced as FA Cup Winners, European Cup Winners etc etc, like that puts them on a par playing-wise with their male counterparts. Sorry it doesn't, it's a million miles away from the standard of the men's game. Same set of rules but a different game.

In an FA Cup game not so long ago they had a male and female pundit in the studio. He was introduced as having played in 1 cup final, whilst she had played in 3 or 4 finals. Really pi**ed me off that did !

Not overly impressed with any of the pundits (male or female) currently on offer but my heart sinks when I hear laughing boy Micah Richards, Mark Hughes, Alan Shearer and Ashley Cole. And not forgetting Vicky Sparks....aaarrrgh !!

I think that Earnie comes across pretty well, certainly a hundred times better than Hartson. Lee Dixon is OK, Keane is nasty but watchable, Wrighty I used to dislike but is now quite entertaining. Of the female pundits, Eniola Aluko is quite good and Alex Scott is obviously very knowledgeable.