Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
1. If I've done my maths right we've had 399 games under Malky, Slade, Warnock, Harris and Mick over past 10 years and only 42 under Ole and Trollope - I know the writer rarely gets to enter their own headline but "right now" suggests it's been massively different before. (I agree if was different under DJ but only for a few months before an unprofessional pre-season sunk us time and again).

2. To be fair, it has been different before: we've spent a lot of those 399 games winning and plenty of the 42 losing. There was consistent complaints under Slade (predominantly based on his personality) but really only Neil Harris onwards has style of play became an issue for most - when style of play dictated by what Warnock left behind.

3. We roll our eyes when radio hosts say Cardiff fans don't want pretty football but there is a groan heard when we pass ball backwards and excitement when it's moved forwards quickly so they have a point. Majority of our fans don't want to be a team who can control the ball, just want players who can consistently control the ball.

4. His complaints about transfer strategy don't reflect what's happened since Neil Harris came in.

5. He comments about DoF without explaining what would be different to now. A consistent approach so change of manager doesn't mean starting again? Mate, we've had 399 games of consistent approach and last 3 manager have been an evolution rather than revolution - that is DoF stuff without a DoF.

6. His complaints about 5 at the back show a lack of understanding of football tactics - some use 5 at the back as an attacking formation.

7. Him wanting Mick to reproduce an Ireland side will have many in Ireland guffawing under this headline. Him wanting to return to football as it was in the early 2000's will have Mick here for next 10 years.

8. Imo, it's really a poor piece of analysis of where out team has been, where it is and where it's going. But it fits the popular view of this time and club needs to hear it because if we lose the full Canton/away end Mick will leave us where Slade did rather than on the strong footing and more ready for potential promotion than we've been at any time in last decade - where we're heading towards currently.
You have this notion that we’re in the middle of some sort of evolution/revolution which will end with us being the sort of team that many of us want us to be. I’d say you’re tacking on an outcome which I see little sign of.

A couple of points, the only evolution I see under the last three managers is a descent into duller and duller football.

We played with a back five on Saturday and although they are a bit more than full backs normally, our wing backs are generally defensively minded.

I wish I had your faith in “the plan”, but I haven’t.