I've been double-vaccinated. My Covid pass is in letter form. I've been to four gigs in four different venues in Cardiff since they became compulsory. This is what happened:

Gig 1: I was asked to have my Covid pass ready in the queue outside. When I got to the front of the queue a couple of minutes later, I told the girl on the door I had an NHS letter, attempted to show it but was told it was fine and was waved in (it could have been an electricity bill for all the difference it made).

Gig 2: Asked if I had a Covid pass, replied that I did and was waved in - I didn't even get as far as taking it our of my pocket.

Gig 3: Was not asked for a Covid pass at any stage.

Gig 4: Was asked for my Covid pass, produced the letter and was then asked for further ID to prove the letter was mine (fortunately, my debit card was accepted as good enough, as that's all I had on me at the time).

It's an absolute nonsense that I can get on a busy bus or train without showing any sort of pass (and masks seem to be a thing of the past for half the people on public transport these days), I can have a few beers in a busy pub without showing any kind of pass, but I then have to show a pass to enter a gig venue. Utter bollocks.

The whole thing is totally half-arsed. It's a nuisance for no good reason.