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Thread: The Two-faced, hypocritical Buffoon and his Party set for a Mauling at PMQ's Today..

  1. #251

    Re: The Two-faced, hypocritical Buffoon and his Party set for a Mauling at PMQ's Today..

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    I don't understand why it's funny? Labour are basically slightly left leaning at the moment based on their policies aren't they.

    I would rather a more left wing party too, I think it would really benefit the country. It'd never get in though is the issue so centre left is the best we could ever hope for.
    How about if Labour promised to go after the ingrained wealth in the country. Nationalise the assets of grosvenor estates, earl of Plymouth etc. All these scumbags who have billions and billions of land because 800 years ago their ancestors knew the Queen. Personally , my impression of the Labour Party is that if you work hard and earn good money they will tax the hell out of you. But they're no better at taxing the super rich than the tories are. At least the tories are upfront about their bootlicking subservience to the super rich 🤣.

    A pitch of ' we're going after unfair wealth to help us all, but if you work hard we'll leave you alone' . It would certainly get my vote.

    Then again, my ideal vision of politics would be about 6 months of bloodthirsty communism, kill the royals, aristocracy, the lot. Then 50 years of centre right government. I think I'm in a minority of 1 with this view!! 🤣

  2. #252

    Re: The Two-faced, hypocritical Buffoon and his Party set for a Mauling at PMQ's Today..

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    It's a fair response Jim, and one that I wrestle with.
    Jimmy can see it, but I’m sometimes not sure a majority of Labour members can.

  3. #253

    Re: The Two-faced, hypocritical Buffoon and his Party set for a Mauling at PMQ's Today..

    Quote Originally Posted by nugent View Post
    I believe in conservative values...
    Reward people that go out to work.
    A benefits system that's fair for the people that need it while also fair for the people that pay for it.
    Ask not what your country can do for you bit what you can do for your country.
    Fack socialism. Fack unions, fack scroungers.
    Fack the can't work won't work brigade.
    If immigrants want to come over here to work, welcome them with open arms, if they want to come over here for a free council house, nhs treatments and knock babies out and not pay thier way, then send em back.
    Reward large companies with better tax schemes for them creating jobs.
    Reward entrepreneurship.

    I'm a proud fully paid up member me, I get a monthly newsletter off boris , cheese n wine nights with our local MP.
    Had a pint with Cameron in Cardiff.
    Got a signed copy of maggies autobiography.

    Boris is a vote winner.
    If there was an election now he'd blast it.

    There's plenty of support for the Tories on twitter.
    Every lefty / South walian going into blame hysterics over this party that may or may not have happened and I bet every single one of them broke some covid rule in last 2 years or so.
    I'll call anyone a liar if they say different.

    Didn't break one house gathering rule?
    Didn't break one mask wearing rule?
    Didn't break one social distancing rule?
    Didn't hug someone when they shouldn't have?

    Fack off mun
    This is a joke right? Rewarding people who work? Have you seen how much wages have stagnated since 2010?

    Beyond deluded.

  4. #254

    Re: The Two-faced, hypocritical Buffoon and his Party set for a Mauling at PMQ's Today..

    Quote Originally Posted by chrisp_1927 View Post
    How about if Labour promised to go after the ingrained wealth in the country. Nationalise the assets of grosvenor estates, earl of Plymouth etc. All these scumbags who have billions and billions of land because 800 years ago their ancestors knew the Queen. Personally , my impression of the Labour Party is that if you work hard and earn good money they will tax the hell out of you. But they're no better at taxing the super rich than the tories are. At least the tories are upfront about their bootlicking subservience to the super rich ��.

    A pitch of ' we're going after unfair wealth to help us all, but if you work hard we'll leave you alone' . It would certainly get my vote.

    Who do you know has worked hard and who hasn't though? How do you account for people who've inherited money or had expensive public schooling and have done better because of that?

    The probalem is with all of this it ignores that some people have an easier start to life and a headstart and others don't.

    I don't actually think Labour wants to go after people who work hard they actually want to go after the very people you want them to go after. That's why the media are so against them, or any non tory party.

    The tories actually go after the real hard workers, hence the squeezed middle and work classes while multi millionaires get away with everything.

    The problems in our country start and end with inequality.

  5. #255

    Re: The Two-faced, hypocritical Buffoon and his Party set for a Mauling at PMQ's Today..

    Quote Originally Posted by chrisp_1927 View Post
    Apart from political viewpoints, there is 1 major drawback i see with Corbyn, one that is most definitely shared with Boris. I just think they're both quite stupid people, I've never really got a feeling that either of them have the iq or ability to learn that a leader needs. I wonder if some of the cock ups Boris makes are down to him being too stupid to understand what needs doing, I personally think corbyn would have had the same problem.

    I do think that corbynism had an overall positive effect on the country mind. Certainly made both parties realise that there was an appetite with large sections of the population for an increase in public spending
    Agree on your last point

  6. #256

    Re: The Two-faced, hypocritical Buffoon and his Party set for a Mauling at PMQ's Today..

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Yup, and there's some healthy debate going on, rather than the usual nonsense.
    Oh I dont know, the same will revert to type and resort to the usual name calling when the discussion isn't going the way they want it to

    a shame really

    Good job Ive not called anyone a snowflake though

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    What the **** has left and right got to do with it? You absolute thick inbred **** wit?

  7. #257

    Re: The Two-faced, hypocritical Buffoon and his Party set for a Mauling at PMQ's Today..

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm a leftie mate, but I absolutely despise starmer, and I'm seriously considering not voting labour in a general for the foreseeable future.

    Ive always voted Labour or PC in the past ( apart from the last GE ), used to be a Union rep for the GMB, Starmer appeals to be more than Corbyn ever did ( but that might be due to the right wing controlled media I read )

  8. #258

    Re: The Two-faced, hypocritical Buffoon and his Party set for a Mauling at PMQ's Today..

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    This is a joke right? Rewarding people who work? Have you seen how much wages have stagnated since 2010?

    Beyond deluded.
    I've never ever met anyone who has ever made money through hard work but I've met plenty who have sitting on their fat arses and getting poor simpletons to do the graft.

    I wonder how many Miners there have been over the years who sweated and toiled in miserable and gruelling conditions for hours on end who have ended up as millionaires, let alone billionaires? On the other hand I've known plenty whose health has been utterly ravaged for the sake of making others very wealthy.

  9. #259

    Re: The Two-faced, hypocritical Buffoon and his Party set for a Mauling at PMQ's Today..

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post

    Ive always voted Labour or PC in the past ( apart from the last GE ), used to be a Union rep for the GMB, Starmer appeals to be more than Corbyn ever did ( but that might be due to the right wing controlled media I read )
    Fair play on admitting that Matt👍

  10. #260

    Re: The Two-faced, hypocritical Buffoon and his Party set for a Mauling at PMQ's Today..

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    I've never ever met anyone who has ever made money through hard work but I've met plenty who have sitting on their fat arses and getting poor simpletons to do the graft.

    I wonder how many Miners there have been over the years who sweated and toiled in miserable and gruelling conditions for hours on end who have ended up as millionaires, let alone billionaires? On the other hand I've known plenty whose health has been utterly ravaged for the sake of making others very wealthy.
    Exactly, I've earned more from investments this year than I have my salary, it's a joke that I don't have to pay more tax on it than I do.

  11. #261

    Re: The Two-faced, hypocritical Buffoon and his Party set for a Mauling at PMQ's Today..

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    Fair play on admitting that Matt��
    Ive mentioned it in the past aswell

    ironically from a personal point of view, voting labour last GE when Corbyn was offering no university fee's would have saved me a massive chunk of money's, but thats another discussion

  12. #262

    Re: The Two-faced, hypocritical Buffoon and his Party set for a Mauling at PMQ's Today..

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    Who do you know has worked hard and who hasn't though? How do you account for people who've inherited money or had expensive public schooling and have done better because of that?

    The probalem is with all of this it ignores that some people have an easier start to life and a headstart and others don't.

    I don't actually think Labour wants to go after people who work hard they actually want to go after the very people you want them to go after. That's why the media are so against them, or any non tory party.

    The tories actually go after the real hard workers, hence the squeezed middle and work classes while multi millionaires get away with everything.

    The problems in our country start and end with inequality.
    Essentially I'm talking about going after the landowners the earls etc. These throwbacks to feudal Britain that still control billions of wealth. I personally think that would have huge public support. The fact that they still exist in a developed, modern country is utterly baffling.

    You're entirely right about certain people having a headstart over others. But most of them are still tiny fry compared to the few ultra wealthy.

    If we nationalised grosvenor estates and Crown estates we could probably pay off the national debt. We need a good grass roots campaign to go after the bastards

  13. #263

    Re: The Two-faced, hypocritical Buffoon and his Party set for a Mauling at PMQ's Today..

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    I've never ever met anyone who has ever made money through hard work but I've met plenty who have sitting on their fat arses and getting poor simpletons to do the graft.

    I wonder how many Miners there have been over the years who sweated and toiled in miserable and gruelling conditions for hours on end who have ended up as millionaires, let alone billionaires? On the other hand I've known plenty whose health has been utterly ravaged for the sake of making others very wealthy.
    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    Exactly, I've earned more from investments this year than I have my salary, it's a joke that I don't have to pay more tax on it than I do.

  14. #264

    Re: The Two-faced, hypocritical Buffoon and his Party set for a Mauling at PMQ's Today..

    Quote Originally Posted by MacAdder View Post
    Ha ha, I noticed that myself 😳

  15. #265

    Re: The Two-faced, hypocritical Buffoon and his Party set for a Mauling at PMQ's Today..

    Quote Originally Posted by MacAdder View Post
    I used to work with a guy who called me dorcas just to annoy me, honestly thought it was him with an account just to wind me up.

  16. #266

    Re: The Two-faced, hypocritical Buffoon and his Party set for a Mauling at PMQ's Today..

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    I used to work with a guy who called me dorcas just to annoy me, honestly thought it was him with an account just to wind me up.
    No, not guilty, it was my grandfather's middle name 🌞

  17. #267

    Re: The Two-faced, hypocritical Buffoon and his Party set for a Mauling at PMQ's Today..

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Jimmy can see it, but I’m sometimes not sure a majority of Labour members can.
    The majority of members were enthusiastic and supporting of Corbyn.The parliamentary members were not. Maybe it's the other way round?

  18. #268

    Re: The Two-faced, hypocritical Buffoon and his Party set for a Mauling at PMQ's Today..

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    Exactly, I've earned more from investments this year than I have my salary, it's a joke that I don't have to pay more tax on it than I do.
    No excuses.

    When the revolution comes you will be on the list

  19. #269

    Re: The Two-faced, hypocritical Buffoon and his Party set for a Mauling at PMQ's Today..

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy the Jock View Post
    This should be in the politics section, surely?
    Much as I think the politics section is a waste of space, if we are going to have one, yes you are right Jimmy

  20. #270

    Re: The Two-faced, hypocritical Buffoon and his Party set for a Mauling at PMQ's Today..

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    The majority of members were enthusiastic and supporting of Corbyn.The parliamentary members were not. Maybe it's the other way round?
    Labour are dead if they cant portray sensible middle of the road policies added to good fiscal policies, that are believable.
    Thats what the public want and they need the general public on side to get re elected.
    By all means have a left leaning once they get in , but keep it quiet on the road in .
    Kier Stammer has to be believable as well . People have to have faith in him .

    Labour party members alone will not get the labour government back in power.

  21. #271
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: The Two-faced, hypocritical Buffoon and his Party set for a Mauling at PMQ's Today..

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy the Jock View Post
    Labour are dead if they cant portray sensible middle of the road policies added to good fiscal policies, that are believable.
    Thats what the public want and they need the general public on side to get re elected.
    By all means have a left leaning once they get in , but keep it quiet on the road in .
    Kier Stammer has to be believable as well . People have to have faith in him .

    Labour party members alone will not get the labour government back in power.

    Labour's 2017 Manifesto was very popular - and Labour got 40% of the vote (Tories 43%).

    Radical policies - especially around tax, investment and public ownership - do not deter most people.

    In 2019 Labour crashed to 32% of the vote - with a similar Manifesto apart from an incoherent Brexit policy.

    Radical policies added to a fence sitting, garbled mess of a Brexit policy - and a further 2 years of media and PLP vilification of the prospective alternative Prime Minister who didn't help himself - do deter most people.

    It also helps to have a large and active membership - not one where one third have been driven out by the party leadership (purges, policy vacuums, incompetence and lies) and those that remain are demoralised and directionless.

  22. #272

    Re: The Two-faced, hypocritical Buffoon and his Party set for a Mauling at PMQ's Today..

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    The majority of members were enthusiastic and supporting of Corbyn.The parliamentary members were not. Maybe it's the other way round?
    I'm talking about their seeming inability to recognise who it is that they should be opposing. The left and right factions are as bad as each other,

  23. #273

    Re: The Two-faced, hypocritical Buffoon and his Party set for a Mauling at PMQ's Today..

    Quote Originally Posted by ninian opinian View Post
    The Iraq war was an absolute disaster.

    The Labour and Conservative parties were both committed to approving the invasion, but a quarter of Labour MPs voted against the invasion. The Liberal Democrats, who had one in twelve of the MPs in parliament, also opposed the invasion.

    So your Tory mates voted for it too.
    The tories voted for it to a great extent because they believed Blair on weapons of mass destruction. I am sure I saw somewhere since that they wouldn't have done otherwise but I cannot back this up at the moment.

    I accept of course that is is a case of "they would say that wouldn't they" but we will never know

  24. #274

    Re: The Two-faced, hypocritical Buffoon and his Party set for a Mauling at PMQ's Today..

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy the Jock View Post
    Labour are dead if they cant portray sensible middle of the road policies added to good fiscal policies, that are believable.
    Thats what the public want and they need the general public on side to get re elected.
    By all means have a left leaning once they get in , but keep it quiet on the road in .
    Kier Stammer has to be believable as well . People have to have faith in him .

    Labour party members alone will not get the labour government back in power.
    So the master plan to get Labour elected would be to lie to voters about policies and the ability of its leader to lead the country. Sorry but thats already been done to death.

  25. #275
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: The Two-faced, hypocritical Buffoon and his Party set for a Mauling at PMQ's Today..

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy the Jock View Post
    Labour are dead if they cant portray sensible middle of the road policies added to good fiscal policies, that are believable.
    Thats what the public want and they need the general public on side to get re elected.
    By all means have a left leaning once they get in , but keep it quiet on the road in .
    Kier Stammer has to be believable as well . People have to have faith in him .

    Labour party members alone will not get the labour government back in power.
    Your last line is spot on .

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