Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
I understand the point you are making. It does seem that plenty of people who live in the city don't identify with it in the same way that a person from swansea might identify with their City. It could be down to Cardiff being a capital city, more pressure to dilute the actual culture of the city in order to dhow a more representation towards Wales, especially over the past 20 years or so, maybe since the birth of the senedd. Who knows.
It can't be overestimated just how much our violent fan base had in alienating CCFC in the city though. It was massive. During the 80's the old Cardiff Rugby Club was well supported and was felt like a 'safe' place to go for anyone. You could only get international rugby tickets if you were a member of a club (in fact when I was a nipper most people who went to the rugby were members or played). We were a nightmare and disliked. This has been hard to shrug off but it's happening. I speak to cabbies who still think we kick the sh*t out of each other on a Saturday!