Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
It may not bother you, but surely you can understand that it looks like a piss take, and that's the minimum. The cretins are so far up their own arse that they even record it with photos. To me, it says that they don't give a shit or that they're above everyone else.

These people are highly privileged, there's no way that they're likely to carry out what masses have had to, it's not in their DNA. They've been programmed to think that they are better, more deserving and it shows, time after time.
Yeah, I totally get why others may be bothered, but many won't. Thats the way of things.

I have to get the train to work. Other people get chauffered around. I have to buy everything myself, others get expenses.

That building was one of the most important on earth in early 2020. The decisions made there (good and bad) affected us all. Frankly, I would rather know that an environment conducive to reasonable decision making was created.

Like I said, it just doesn't bother me that much. The other parties did far more. They were out and out abuses of the rules, I don't see that here.