Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
This place has become much more political ( anything non-football is quickly turned into a political post , it never used to be like that ), I often pop on before I head out for work, one day soon I expect to see a post " its my daughters wedding day today and its lashing down, Boris should have acted sooner / Well Boris had a garden party blah blah blah "
It's funny, the overwhelming majority of this thread is a debate between those who welcome the lifting of restrictions and those who are more cautious. There are a few passing references to the underlying politics of the timing of the announcement.

I have seen a few threads recently which weren't overly political until you chipped in with something along the lines of "I'm going out on a limb here, all of the above is the Tories fault, mostly Boris but past tories should also be blamed".

Perhaps the physician could heal himself on such matters.