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Thread: Covid Rules Collapsing

  1. #76

    Re: Covid Rules Collapsing

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Not true. I linked to a video of a medical professional making that claim.

    For the benefit of those who don't visit the politics board, this is the 4-minute video - https://www.bitchute.com/video/9naLs8Bx4mDV/
    For the benefit of those who don't visit the politics boards, this is the car crash thread


  2. #77

    Re: Covid Rules Collapsing

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    The difficulty the conspiracy theorists have is that it's a really enticing subject, as juicy as you can get. Something bad has engulfed the whole world out of nowhere!

    But that is also the downfall - we've all been talking about it for two years and there's not many gaps left. They're left with trying to squeeze some nonsense in - an example being Organ Morgan, who is currently on the politics board claiming that the vaccine causes two week old babies to stand on their own.
    Kids having that great development!? That vaccine is a miracle! Ima get 20 more!

  3. #78

    Re: Covid Rules Collapsing

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Not true. I linked to a video of a medical professional making that claim.

    For the benefit of those who don't visit the politics board, this is the 4-minute video - https://www.bitchute.com/video/9naLs8Bx4mDV/
    You’re so gullible that it’s cringe… if the claims are true, it would be EVERYWHERE, even on MSM. Not just on a random, obscure, untrustworthy website

  4. #79

    Re: Covid Rules Collapsing

    I have a conspiracy theory of my own that I wish to put forward. People the world over lie and make up things: just because they have qualifications doesn't mean they're exempt. Beware human beings, they speak with forked tongues.

  5. #80

    Re: Covid Rules Collapsing

    Quote Originally Posted by adz-a32 View Post
    You’re so gullible that it’s cringe… if the claims are true, it would be EVERYWHERE, even on MSM. Not just on a random, obscure, untrustworthy website
    I concur, it would be everywhere, except as noted in that thread we are are just 14 months on from when the very first C19 vaccine was adminstered.

  6. #81

    Re: Covid Rules Collapsing

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I concur, it would be everywhere, except as noted in that thread we are are just 14 months on from when the very first C19 vaccine was adminstered.
    But myocarditis and the blood clots (despite both being very very uncommon) were everywhere. If the claims made by the doctor were true, why isn’t it everywhere?

  7. #82

    Re: Covid Rules Collapsing

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    You can lecture me as much as you like, but, as always, you omit to say that the huge majority of those thirty European countries you mention are old Warsaw Pact countries that, even after all of this time, have struggled to overcome the financial effects of Soviet bloc control. For me, a true like for like comparison is with the countries we have most in common with economically and politically. That’s why I specifically mentioned Western European democracies and the last time I looked only Belgium, Italy and Gibraltar had a worse death rate than us.

    I’ve never been critical of the Government when it comes to vaccine roll outs (although there does seem to be a Johnson factor now which is leading to falls in the numbers being jabbed), it has been the big success for the Government in the past two years.

    As for financial support, I would expect the same, if not more, if there had been a Labour or any other non Tory Government in power at the time - it was their duty to provide that sort of support in the gravest national crisis of most of our lifetimes.

    Anyway, this thread was started with a specific subject in mind and I repeat that the time for Covid rules to “collapse” is not when a thousand or so people are still dying every week. I read at the start of all this whenmany of those now arguing that “we should move on” (to use Tory speak) we’re saying Covid was just a version of the flu that 20,000 deaths a year from flu was considered to be a bad year with a very strong strain of the virus. With current figures, we’re heading for 50,000 deaths a year from Covid and that’s with at least a double vaccine for the vast majority of people. I just think that we’ve fallen into the trap of “freedom days” and talking of the pandemic in the past tense before - there seems no logic in dropping all Covid rules when so many are still dying and so, in the absence of any logic, you have to look for other reasons and a PM still under severe pressure and fighting for his political life would appear to be as good a reason as any.
    Covid deaths will decline as the warmer months come so it's not going to be anywhere near 50k. How many people died in a winter week before covid came along? Get a grip. Time to move on. Pointless arguing. Covid rules will disappear soon enough no matter what anyone says here. Get used to it.

  8. #83

    Re: Covid Rules Collapsing

    Quote Originally Posted by Bald Barry Bastad View Post
    Covid deaths will decline as the warmer months come so it's not going to be anywhere near 50k. How many people died in a winter week before covid came along? Get a grip. Time to move on. Pointless arguing. Covid rules will disappear soon enough no matter what anyone says here. Get used to it.
    And a good afternoon to you, nice use of the obligatory “time to move on” (TM Conservative Central Office) by the way.

  9. #84
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    Re: Covid Rules Collapsing

    Quote Originally Posted by adz-a32 View Post
    Normality, imo, is a concept that always changes. We all should live with masks, because it is a small thing to do against a disease that can cause significant illness among many people.

    Look at other illnesses: If I shag multiple people without rubber, or drink dirty water, or drink unpasteurised milk, or eat raw chicken, many people would rightfully call me an idiot. Likewise, if a restaurant served the dirty water, unpasteurised milk, and raw chicken, would they even remain open?
    Excellent point, well made.

    I actually enjoy wearing a mask with my wayfarer knock-offs and ball cap I look like a bank robber. And I utter obscenities at the Trumpers as I walk past. (They can't pick up who said it.)

  10. #85
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    Re: Covid Rules Collapsing

    Quote Originally Posted by TWGL1 View Post
    The obsession with just one virus is the problem though , and it seems to me that regardless of lockdowns , masks, social distancing and arbitrary rules it makes little or no difference. I know people who have been terrified of Covid , wore masks , stayed in doors and still caught it. Nearly 40m people in the Uk have tested positive, at some stage

    Apparently 90% of Welsh people have antibodies.

    Covid was even downgraded as a High Consequence Infectious Disease in March 2020, so on that basis there are more severe viruses is circulation which nobody even thinks about and we carry on as normal in respect of the majority of them.


    Fair play, that's weapons grade bollocks.

  11. #86

    Re: Covid Rules Collapsing

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    Fair play, that's weapons grade bollocks.

    Prove it if you’re so sure.The evidence presented suggests otherwise , all it does is slow it, but as soon as things open up the virus does what it’s meant to do.

  12. #87
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    Re: Covid Rules Collapsing

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    Fair play, that's weapons grade bollocks.
    Definition of HCID : typically has a high case-fatality rate if its down graded then it isn't bollocks, life need s to move on and quickly.

  13. #88
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    Re: Covid Rules Collapsing

    Quote Originally Posted by TWGL1 View Post
    Prove it if you’re so sure.The evidence presented suggests otherwise , all it does is slow it, but as soon as things open up the virus does what it’s meant to do.
    You do realize China managed to effectively eradicate the virus with extremely strict lockdowns?

  14. #89

    Re: Covid Rules Collapsing

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    You do realize China managed to effectively eradicate the virus with extremely strict lockdowns?
    I realise that CCP are economic with the truth

  15. #90

    Re: Covid Rules Collapsing

    Quote Originally Posted by TWGL1 View Post
    I realise that CCP are economic with the truth
    They aren't the only ones

  16. #91

    Re: Covid Rules Collapsing

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    the 3rd post is political , but yes the early posts were a discussion without the political interference ( though it was always going to happen )

    my occasional posts about " blaming Boris " are purely a bit of a joke, lighthearted humour, nothing more, nothing less
    Political in what sense? My post was certainly not party political. It's an observation based on being able to see the stark staring obvious. Backbench rebellion brewing, announce something they like, backbench rebellion subsides.

    How exactly do you discuss something that is decided in number 10 without there being a mention of politics?

  17. #92

    Re: Covid Rules Collapsing

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Definition of HCID : typically has a high case-fatality rate if its down graded then it isn't bollocks, life need s to move on and quickly.
    Did you actually read any of the discussion on why two years ago Covid was downgraded from an HCID before offering up this staggering insight?

  18. #93

    Re: Covid Rules Collapsing

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Did you actually read any of the discussion on why two years ago Covid was downgraded from an HCID before offering up this staggering insight?

    Probably because for the vast majority of the population the symptoms are mild to moderate as per Sir Chris Whiity ?

  19. #94

    Re: Covid Rules Collapsing

    Quote Originally Posted by TWGL1 View Post
    Probably because for the vast majority of the population the symptoms are mild to moderate as per Sir Chris Whiity ?
    The "vast majority of the population" should think "there but for the Grace of God go I" and take more care of those more vulnerable.

  20. #95

    Re: Covid Rules Collapsing

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    You do realize China managed to effectively eradicate the virus with extremely strict lockdowns?
    they still completely lock down cities of millions when cases start to rise, recently Baise with 4 million people only had only 135 cases with 2 cases being Omicron ( if you believe what they say ) and they completely locked down hard


  21. #96

    Re: Covid Rules Collapsing

    Been thinking of this thread today, I Worked most of the day in a garden centre, Now you dont have to wear face masks inside now, its not law and entirely up to you, I took notice of the people wearing them, I bet 70 % wore face masks, the majority of the 30% of maskless were over the age of 60 , occasionally I saw a youngster to wearing one, but most did

    Now we ( in England ) are 3 weeks in from plan B being scrapped and you no longer need to wear a mask, yet people make the decision ( being responsible ) to still wear them, so maybe people can be trusted to do the right thing after all

  22. #97

    Re: Covid Rules Collapsing

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    Been thinking of this thread today, I Worked most of the day in a garden centre, Now you dont have to wear face masks inside now, its not law and entirely up to you, I took notice of the people wearing them, I bet 70 % wore face masks, the majority of the 30% of maskless were over the age of 60 , occasionally I saw a youngster to wearing one, but most did

    Now we ( in England ) are 3 weeks in from plan B being scrapped and you no longer need to wear a mask, yet people make the decision ( being responsible ) to still wear them, so maybe people can be trusted to do the right thing after all
    I wouldn’t be surprised if they implemented extra restrictions once again when winter comes. I see Drakeford and Prince Charles are positive …….

  23. #98

    Re: Covid Rules Collapsing

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Political in what sense? My post was certainly not party political. It's an observation based on being able to see the stark staring obvious. Backbench rebellion brewing, announce something they like, backbench rebellion subsides.

    How exactly do you discuss something that is decided in number 10 without there being a mention of politics?
    it wasn't a dig at you, your post might not have been party political, but it was still political and was always going to get the " CCMB Political mob " going

  24. #99
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    Re: Covid Rules Collapsing

    Quote Originally Posted by TWGL1 View Post
    I realise that CCP are economic with the truth
    New Zealand - 53 deaths

    UK - 159,000+ deaths

  25. #100

    Re: Covid Rules Collapsing

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    You do realize China managed to effectively eradicate the virus with extremely strict lockdowns?
    How do you know? Dont believe a word of what the communists released info

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