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Thread: Madeleine Albright Has Past Away

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Madeleine Albright Has Past Away

    Quite a remarkable woman love this quote from the lady :

    ""It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent.”

  2. #2

    Re: Madeleine Albright Has Past Away

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Quite a remarkable woman love this quote from the lady :

    ""It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent.”
    I didn't realize she was a singer?

  3. #3

    Re: Madeleine Albright Has Past Away

    Yes, truly remarkable that anyone could be evil enough to say that the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children was 'worth it'.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Madeleine Albright Has Past Away

    Wasn't it her intervention that brought an end to the Serbian ethnic cleansing in Kosovo, whilst Clinton sat on his hands

    And I'm sure she didn't gas her own people including innocents as did Saddam Hussein the nut job.

  5. #5

    Re: Madeleine Albright Has Past Away

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Wasn't it her intervention that brought an end to the Serbian ethnic cleansing in Kosovo, whilst Clinton sat on his hands

    And I'm sure she didn't gas her own people including innocents as did Saddam Hussein the nut job.
    I'm with you on this one LoM. Apparently Madeleine Albright in some posters eyes was as evil as Saddam Hussein. Though Hussein, if he was still with us, would argue he didn't gas his own people just a bunch of Kurds who happened to live in Iraq.

    Put on the spot, her words are callous about the plight of people living under his rule as sanctions bit. After invading another country and then remaining in power after the first Gulf War he did wreak massive retribution on the poor Shia and Marsh Arabs.

    Though Raymondo's You Tube wrongly attributes her quote to the falsity of WMD, as she had long left the stage before the 2nd Gulf War, it does go to show that the decency or otherwise of a politician's life and their achievements can be defined in the eyes of some by how they react to a single question.

  6. #6

    Re: Madeleine Albright Has Past Away

    It has been sickening to see the crocodile tears shed for Ukraine civilians around here of late. The Yanks, and often their allies, make Putin appear Cinderella-like in comparison.


  7. #7
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Madeleine Albright Has Past Away

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    It has been sickening to see the crocodile tears shed for Ukraine civilians around here of late. The Yanks, and often their allies, make Putin appear Cinderella-like in comparison.

    I don't agree that crocodile tears have been shed 'around here' if you are talking about this message board. The response to the plight of Ukranian civilians seems genuine to me - if sometimes undermined by the rants of armchair generals who make up a good part of our community.

    However, your point about the bloody track record of the USA and its allies (sometimes under the NATO badge) is absolutely right.

  8. #8
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Madeleine Albright Has Past Away

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    I'm with you on this one LoM. Apparently Madeleine Albright in some posters eyes was as evil as Saddam Hussein. Though Hussein, if he was still with us, would argue he didn't gas his own people just a bunch of Kurds who happened to live in Iraq.

    Put on the spot, her words are callous about the plight of people living under his rule as sanctions bit. After invading another country and then remaining in power after the first Gulf War he did wreak massive retribution on the poor Shia and Marsh Arabs.

    Though Raymondo's You Tube wrongly attributes her quote to the falsity of WMD, as she had long left the stage before the 2nd Gulf War, it does go to show that the decency or otherwise of a politician's life and their achievements can be defined in the eyes of some by how they react to a single question.
    I think her tough childhood as a refugee made her a tough outspoken person which upset folks reading her fathers woes dies explain a lot in 39 her dad
    fled to UK for political becasuse some of her grandparents were and died in Nazi concentration camps.

    They finally went home after WW2 but moved to the USA in 1948 after Soviet Communist seized power in Prague.

    Her dad and Madeleine certainly went through hard times .

    I'm sure we all say things In the moment and deeply regret what they sound like many years later as we become better advised as the world moves on.

  9. #9

    Re: Madeleine Albright Has Past Away

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I think her tough childhood as a refugee made her a tough outspoken person which upset folks reading her fathers woes dies explain a lot in 39 her dad
    fled to UK for political becasuse some of her grandparents were and died in Nazi concentration camps.

    They finally went home after WW2 but moved to the USA in 1948 after Soviet Communist seized power in Prague.

    Her dad and Madeleine certainly went through hard times .

    I'm sure we all say things In the moment and deeply regret what they sound like many years later as we become better advised as the world moves on.
    You'd make a fantastic propagandist LoM. Trying to excuse her support and implementation of policies which apparently killed millions of people, including the aforementioned 500,000 Iraqi children, by talking about her childhood refugee status and her grandparents' fate at the hands of the Nazis is pure apologism. But, you know, she'd been through some hard times, bless her.

    She was not in a position to say something that she would regret after becoming 'better advised' on it in later life. She was there, in the moment and she knew fine well what she was doing. It sounded like she fully believed that the world should bow to the rules set by the USA and its allies or face the consequences and that her actions were protecting the children of her nation whilst destroying those in other countries that didn't matter as much. When the UN's Humanitarian Co-ordinator in Iraq calls their sanctions 'genocide' and resigns his post, I think that says it all. I wonder what your response would be if Putin said that the deaths of 500,000 Ukrainian children was 'worth it'?

    It's worth reading the alternative views, of which there are many:



  10. #10

    Re: Madeleine Albright Has Past Away

    Quote Originally Posted by Raymond Holt View Post
    You'd make a fantastic propagandist LoM. Trying to excuse her support and implementation of policies which apparently killed millions of people, including the aforementioned 500,000 Iraqi children, by talking about her childhood refugee status and her grandparents' fate at the hands of the Nazis is pure apologism. But, you know, she'd been through some hard times, bless her.

    She was not in a position to say something that she would regret after becoming 'better advised' on it in later life. She was there, in the moment and she knew fine well what she was doing. It sounded like she fully believed that the world should bow to the rules set by the USA and its allies or face the consequences and that her actions were protecting the children of her nation whilst destroying those in other countries that didn't matter as much. When the UN's Humanitarian Co-ordinator in Iraq calls their sanctions 'genocide' and resigns his post, I think that says it all. I wonder what your response would be if Putin said that the deaths of 500,000 Ukrainian children was 'worth it'?

    It's worth reading the alternative views, of which there are many:


    You started with a You Tube Video of a relaxed American journalist asking a politician accountable but democratically neutered an extremely searching question about the outcome of her time in power.

    Hussein's Iraq gassed Kurds, invaded Kuwait and slaughtered Shia and Marsh Arabs before during and after the sanctions imposed by the West on his regime.

    When you find a video of a Russian journalist putting Putin on the spot whether the deaths of Ukrainian children was worth it who can sleep easy in their bed as a result I'm sure your righteousness will have found a proper home.

  11. #11

    Re: Madeleine Albright Has Past Away

    Quote Originally Posted by Raymond Holt View Post
    You'd make a fantastic propagandist LoM. Trying to excuse her support and implementation of policies which apparently killed millions of people, including the aforementioned 500,000 Iraqi children, by talking about her childhood refugee status and her grandparents' fate at the hands of the Nazis is pure apologism. But, you know, she'd been through some hard times, bless her.

    She was not in a position to say something that she would regret after becoming 'better advised' on it in later life. She was there, in the moment and she knew fine well what she was doing. It sounded like she fully believed that the world should bow to the rules set by the USA and its allies or face the consequences and that her actions were protecting the children of her nation whilst destroying those in other countries that didn't matter as much. When the UN's Humanitarian Co-ordinator in Iraq calls their sanctions 'genocide' and resigns his post, I think that says it all. I wonder what your response would be if Putin said that the deaths of 500,000 Ukrainian children was 'worth it'?

    It's worth reading the alternative views, of which there are many:


    I think you may appreciate the insights of Archbishop Vigaṇ. I find him to be remarkably well-informed.

    His Letter #45 from earlier this month goes into great detail, here: https://insidethevatican.com/news/ne...-mar-7-vigano/

    He's the only clergyman I know of worldwide who went against the Covid and Great Reset agenda.

  12. #12

    Re: Madeleine Albright Has Past Away

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    You started with a You Tube Video of a relaxed American journalist asking a politician accountable but democratically neutered an extremely searching question about the outcome of her time in power.

    Hussein's Iraq gassed Kurds, invaded Kuwait and slaughtered Shia and Marsh Arabs before during and after the sanctions imposed by the West on his regime.

    When you find a video of a Russian journalist putting Putin on the spot whether the deaths of Ukrainian children was worth it who can sleep easy in their bed as a result I'm sure your righteousness will have found a proper home.
    I'm not sure what point you're making here?

    If it's that the sanctions imposed on Iraq were completely ineffective and even counterproductive, but the US continued with them anyway causing many needless deaths, then I agree with you.

    If it's that we aren't allowed be disgusted by comments made by a Western government official, for the sole reason that other world leaders (the baddies) are not subject to the same journalistic scrutiny at home, then that is absurd.

  13. #13

    Re: Madeleine Albright Has Past Away

    Quote Originally Posted by Raymond Holt View Post
    I'm not sure what point you're making here?

    If it's that the sanctions imposed on Iraq were completely ineffective and even counterproductive, but the US continued with them anyway causing many needless deaths, then I agree with you.

    If it's that we aren't allowed be disgusted by comments made by a Western government official, for the sole reason that other world leaders (the baddies) are not subject to the same journalistic scrutiny at home, then that is absurd.
    It would appear that anyone who doesn't share your oft expressed view that Western Democracies are the primary source of the world's ills are naive, absurd or both.

    The answer you have damned Albright for came from a trap question where you either agreed that sanctions were wrong or looked heartless. She wasn't to know at the time that the figures of child mortality have subsequently been shown to be highly dubious and likely to have been doctored by the Hussein regime of course.


    Your disgust at comments from Western government officials might have more credibility if you had similar distain for autocrats invading other countries rather than the reaction to them. In terms of Putin and Hussein I would have Albright, no saint, as the lesser of three evils. Based on your contributions to this board I am not sure you would reach the same conclusion.

  14. #14

    Re: Madeleine Albright Has Past Away

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    It would appear that anyone who doesn't share your oft expressed view that Western Democracies are the primary source of the world's ills are naive, absurd or both.

    The answer you have damned Albright for came from a trap question where you either agreed that sanctions were wrong or looked heartless. She wasn't to know at the time that the figures of child mortality have subsequently been shown to be highly dubious and likely to have been doctored by the Hussein regime of course.


    Your disgust at comments from Western government officials might have more credibility if you had similar distain for autocrats invading other countries rather than the reaction to them. In terms of Putin and Hussein I would have Albright, no saint, as the lesser of three evils. Based on your contributions to this board I am not sure you would reach the same conclusion.
    Heaven forbid that journalists should ask government officials difficult questions and hold them to account So even if the 500,000 figure is wrong (which could be a propaganda in itself), the fact remains that she seemed comfortable with admitting that it is an acceptable price to pay.

    You're right, I do believe that Western so-called 'democracies' are the primary (not only, but certainly primary) source of the world's ills. I've said that what Putin is doing is terrible. UN figures show that 1,119 people have been killed in Ukraine so far, and the actual figure is likely to be higher. But compare the media coverage of Putin's invasion with that of the UK-backed war on Yemen, where 377,000 people have died and projections show that will rise to well over 1 million if the bombing continues until 2030; there is obviously a massive disparity. That is what's so frustrating.

    It's also bizarre to me that there is a glowing obituary on a British forum written by an ordinary British citizen about a foreign diplomat who was in office over 20 years ago, especially when she seemed to have such a poor track record for causing widespread death in other countries. There hasn't been much a of a response showing all the good she supposedly did. maybe the OP doesn't actually know that much about her?

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