Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
Energy inflation appears to be the chosen tool to splatter economies to lift the cost of everything and reduce people into a state of penury.

I wouldn't have believed until the Covid crap emerged that all these governments would sacrifice their populations over a country few people really care two fecks about.
The big problem is Western governments stopped actually doing anything sensible around 20 years ago. Maybe the advent of the internet and instant, short-term soundbites, attention grabbing 'policies' that never worked or materialise, from one election to the next it's been all about headline grabbing and satisfying a public that has developed an ever-diminishing attention span. Want this now, want that now, if don't get it kick up a stink. Energy should have been sorted long term. The ageing population the same. The £6 trillion pension liability [UK], should have been addressed. The trendy approach to food production across Europe. The almost collapse of the [uk] health service. The huge debt mountain of Western democracies. The almost complete cessation of service delivery in the [UK and other nations] civil services and public departments. And it hasn't even begun..