Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
I am obviously using your termininology and tried to understand the logic of multiple vaccinations required to kill of those who are vulnerable. Are you able to explain that aspect?
I'm not privy to ze plan. A reasonable guess would be to keep the Covid pot simmering, so to speak, for the whole scheme to be repeated. Two years back we were told we must save granny and those younger with chronic conditions. Today we are down to needling perfectly healthy five-year-olds.

This stage calls for over 50s plus the same younger at risk people. We could be hearing in the months ahead that everyone needs to be protected, just as before, then inoculation passports could be resurrected.

Then again, maybe it's been decided not enough of the hapless mask wearing syringe lovers are croaking as quickly as originally anticipated.

Or both the above scenarios in unison.

By the way, if you haven't read that Pfizer data, which they were compelled to publish six months ago instead of in the year 2097 (2097 is not a typo) and has been ignored by corporate media ever since, then you can read the stunning list of adverse reactions in that section of their formerly top secret document here: https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads...experience.pdf

And at this link is a video with Dr Robert Malone, who invented mRNA technology, that the media ridiculed as a know nothing idiot when he started to question the 'safe and effective' vaccine narrative. In it they discuss those listed adverse reactions - https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2022/0...ill-thousands/

You may not wish to click either of the above links should you have volunteered for Pfizer's concoction because doing so may not be conducive to restful kips.