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Thread: Climate alarmism

  1. #1

    Climate alarmism

    I'm on the fence with this, and need more information. Here's a different view

    On Climate Alarmism & the Net Zero Trap for Globalist Technocracy

  2. #2

    Re: Climate alarmism

    have you actually watched all 1 HR 43 minutes of this tosh?

    I managed 10 or so minutes, which was generally laughable, but they hadn't got around to the crux of any argument they were trying to make, so can't really comment. could you summarize what their main point is?

  3. #3

    Re: Climate alarmism

    Could this not have gone in the other thread (also started by you) entitled “there is no climate emergency” ?

  4. #4

    Re: Climate alarmism

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    Could this not have gone in the other thread (also started by you) entitled “there is no climate emergency” ?
    And why aren't all the Armageddon/WEF/Klaus Schwab/You will own nothing/Black-eyed zombie/5g/Magnetic cataclysm/Illuminati/David Icke/Insect meals/Monkey Pox conspiracy/Clotshot threads not amalgamated?

  5. #5

    Re: Climate alarmism

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    Could this not have gone in the other thread (also started by you) entitled “there is no climate emergency” ?
    This is specifically about the implementation of a globalist technocracy. If you don't care about it then just ignore it.

  6. #6

    Re: Climate alarmism

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    And why aren't all the Armageddon/WEF/Klaus Schwab/You will own nothing/Black-eyed zombie/5g/Magnetic cataclysm/Illuminati/David Icke/Insect meals/Monkey Pox conspiracy/Clotshot threads not amalgamated?
    I'd be interested in this topic if my hobby was galivanting around the world.

  7. #7

    Re: Climate alarmism

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I'd be interested in this topic if my hobby was galivanting around the world.
    so have you watched the whole video?

  8. #8

    Re: Climate alarmism

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    so have you watched the whole video?
    You probably want to form your own opinion on this, so you are absolutely sure about it when your rights and freedoms start getting removed. For the record, I am still undecided due to the complexity of the subject, but I did find it interesting that the covid lockdowns (and subsequent financial crisis) were caused by the inaccurate modelling of an expert, who then went on to ignore his own advice. Of course, you are free to ignore any and all information if you don't think science should be questioned, or challenged by a competing hypothesis.

  9. #9

    Re: Climate alarmism

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    You probably want to form your own opinion on this, so you are absolutely sure about it when your rights and freedoms start getting removed. For the record, I am still undecided due to the complexity of the subject, but I did find it interesting that the covid lockdowns (and subsequent financial crisis) were caused by the inaccurate modelling of an expert, who then went on to ignore his own advice. Of course, you are free to ignore any and all information if you don't think science should be questioned, or challenged by a competing hypothesis.
    so you've seen the first 5 minutes like me?

  10. #10

    Re: Climate alarmism

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    so you've seen the first 5 minutes like me?
    Refer to the previous comment.

  11. #11
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Climate alarmism

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I'm on the fence with this, and need more information. Here's a different view

    On Climate Alarmism & the Net Zero Trap for Globalist Technocracy
    Just put it on.

    What bit are you on the fence about?

  12. #12

    Re: Climate alarmism

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    And why aren't all the Armageddon/WEF/Klaus Schwab/You will own nothing/Black-eyed zombie/5g/Magnetic cataclysm/Illuminati/David Icke/Insect meals/Monkey Pox conspiracy/Clotshot threads not amalgamated?
    Are you saying that they're all part of the same thing......? What do you know...

  13. #13

    Re: Climate alarmism

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    Just put it on.

    What bit are you on the fence about?
    All of it, because I have never really looked into it before, and I always examine both sides of a story. I also think it needs to be viewed with fresh eyes after the the Covid "trust the science" experts got so much wrong, and there are parallels with the censorship and propaganda surrounding both of these topics, to the extent that I am getting a slight feeling of deja vu. Finally, the costs of getting it wrong this time around will be catastrophic, both financially and from a personal liberties perspective.

  14. #14
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Climate alarmism

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    All of it, because I have never really looked into it before, and I always examine both sides of a story. I also think it needs to be viewed with fresh eyes after the the Covid "trust the science" experts got so much wrong, and there are parallels with the censorship and propaganda surrounding both of these topics, to the extent that I am getting a slight feeling of deja vu. Finally, the costs of getting it wrong this time around will be catastrophic, both financially and from a personal liberties perspective.
    Pretty sure we have talked about the UN Agenda 21/30 in the past.

  15. #15

    Re: Climate alarmism

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    Pretty sure we have talked about the UN Agenda 21/30 in the past.
    Possibly, and now the A Team is running the country.

    BTW were the emergency powers introduced by Boris ever lifted?

  16. #16
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Climate alarmism

    Great clip of Carl Sagan in that vid, loved his book Demon Haunted World.

    I can't remember who it was but someone on here told me to read it to cure me of conspiracies.

  17. #17

    Re: Climate alarmism

  18. #18

    Re: Climate alarmism

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    And why aren't all the Armageddon/WEF/Klaus Schwab/You will own nothing/Black-eyed zombie/5g/Magnetic cataclysm/Illuminati/David Icke/Insect meals/Monkey Pox conspiracy/Clotshot threads not amalgamated?
    They're all separate topics.
    Besides, it's not as much fun or craziness if you squash it all into one thread old fruit

  19. #19
    First Team
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    Re: Climate alarmism

    This is an idiotic, attention-seeking pile of crap. I can't believe there are gullible fools who actually believe this cobblers.

  20. #20

    Re: Climate alarmism

    Quote Originally Posted by Clandestine View Post

    Such a big brave presenter setting what was a pretty obvious trap for a sixteen year old - it takes a certain type of person to laugh from the sidelines at youngsters who want to do something to put right the wrongs committed by the generation that presenter belongs to. Funnily enough, I just Googled that presenter's name and, apart from a short biographical piece from her radio station, the only thing that came up were reaction pieces to her laughing at a teenager who cares more about the world than she does.


  21. #21

    Re: Climate alarmism

    Can anyone who thinks it isn't real explain the physical process that scientists believe is causing man made climate change?

    What part of the physical process do you disagree with?

  22. #22

    Re: Climate alarmism

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Such a big brave presenter setting what was a pretty obvious trap for a sixteen year old - it takes a certain type of person to laugh from the sidelines at youngsters who want to do something to put right the wrongs committed by the generation that presenter belongs to. Funnily enough, I just Googled that presenter's name and, apart from a short biographical piece from her radio station, the only thing that came up were reaction pieces to her laughing at a teenager who cares more about the world than she does.

    It's always the hypocrites who tell everybody what to do, same as the billionaires who crisscross the globe in their fleets of private jets, while telling everybody else they shouldn't be flying anymore. I remember watching a documentary with the new king, and he receives a delivery of hundreds of the finest Italian Parma hams every year, and in the next breath he is telling you not to eat meat to save the planet. As a relative nobody, you shouldn't be standing up for your oppressors. Why must you live a shitty life, when they don't.

  23. #23

    Re: Climate alarmism

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    It's always the hypocrites who tell everybody what to do, same as the billionaires who crisscross the globe in their fleets of private jets, while telling everybody else they shouldn't be flying anymore. I remember watching a documentary with the new king, and he receives a delivery of hundreds of the finest Italian Parma hams every year, and in the next breath he is telling you not to eat meat to save the planet. As a relative nobody, you shouldn't be standing up for your oppressors. Why must you live a shitty life, when they don't.
    So, this sixteen year old is oppressing me?

  24. #24

    Re: Climate alarmism

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    So, this sixteen year old is oppressing me?
    Every hypocrite is not only oppressing you, but they are also laughing at you. The world is supposedly going to be underwater soon due to global warming, yet the billionaires are buying up huge seafront mansions all over the place. What do they know that we don't know?

  25. #25

    Re: Climate alarmism

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Every hypocrite is not only oppressing you, but they are also laughing at you. The world is supposedly going to be underwater soon due to global warming, yet the billionaires are buying up huge seafront mansions all over the place. What do they know that we don't know?
    That the areas with huge seafront mansions are probably more equipped to deal with rising sea levels. Half of the Netherlands is below sea levels but as an advanced, wealthy, first world nation they have the resources to cope with current sea levels and future rising ones.

    Now Bangladesh on the other hand, 3/4 of which is below sea level. Rising sea levels will make it harder and more expensive to build and maintain adequate flood defences. If they fail or simply can’t create the appropriate defences then 150million people need to find somewhere new to live.

    I thought you said you were doing some in-depth research on this? Why are you being silly acting like the sea is going to rise 100 metres?

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