Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
The difference for me in this case is that for almost 2 years, the industry they worked in was absolutely on it's arse - at some points passenger numbers fell to 5% of the norm. In any normal circumstance they would all have been out of a job.

They weren't because the govt stepped in using borrowed money, paid by all of us to keep the industry afloat and people in jobs, mortgages paid etc.

Covid changed things. Also, if everyone gets 10%+ pay rises, you don't overcome inflation, you merely become it. And prolong it.

In my work, we've been offered between 9 and 3%, the 9% refering to those on lower salaries. The general consensus is to take it
Considering the amount of disruption that arises from a few days of strikes every month or so, it would seem the government made the right call stepping in to stop half the drivers losing their jobs and a multitude of rail operators going bust.