Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
It seems you Schwabians, aka Teletubbies, aka mugs 'r' us, believe you will be immune from Klaus' plans. Either that or you're in denial about the worldwide shite show which becomes worse every day. I'd be grateful if you could let me know how to escape the indigence hyperinflation will bring.

An engineered extremely Dark Winter cometh to the UK, and I don't mean the English Channel will be filled with Eritreans fleeing the horrors of the persecution they suffer in Calais.

Re conspiracies, in a message earlier I once again made the charge that politicians/corporate media/health agencies conspired to deliberately conceal from the British public that mRNA was experimental vaccine technology and that their makers enjoyed indemnity. You nor anyone else have ever challenged that assertion. I think I know why; you realise it is true.

But your Stockholm Syndrome-esque faith in those who deceived you is unshakeable.
is everything ok at home?