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Thread: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

  1. #1226
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Sheffield - out of Roath

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    You will not be surprised to learn I believe it's all scripted - as I stated so in this thread yesterday or the day before - and that contrary to outward appearances Russia, China, Iran and some others are all aboard the same bus that has the Great Reset on its destination board which the leaders of countries of their supposed enemies/rivals are also passengers.

    It would be nice to believe Putin is a goodie who's making a last great stand against the depopulation/transhumanist/cashless/non-fossil fuels agenda that is being implemented but there's numerous clues to reinforce the supposition he's controlled opposition who's playing the baddie role to advance and hasten that agenda.

    The humongous-sized one most recently was when he failed to aim one of his lauded ballistic missiles upon where many of those who had breached so many of his stated 'red lines' by arming Ukraine had gathered under the same roof at Her Maj's funeral.
    So the latest proof that Putin is an actor in the great conspiracy is that he didn't nuke the world leaders attending that big funeral?

    Keep going....

  2. #1227

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Evidence is somewhat different to proof because, oh never mind.

    As noted in other posts, twice Schwab has publicly stated Putin's one of his own charges. Neither Putin nor the Kremlin has denied the claim, which might suggest it's true, and just last year no other than Bad Vlad himself was the keynote speaker at the WEF's annual shindig at Davos.

    But anyway, not that any of it will matter to the like of you and I as we will be preoccupied with trying to survive the desperation and lawlessness that will envelop during societal breakdown, whether that's post mushroom clouds appearing on the horizon or following the purchasing power of everyone's savings and income being reduced to precisely sod all due to hyperinflation.

  3. #1228

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Any guesses who the 'untouchable' one is? The reigning British sovereign cannot be arrested (is above the law) and so are their family members when in their presence (also above the law). I'll go for a former British PM who should be in clink for Iraqi war crimes.

  4. #1229

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I can't shake the feeling that Putin, Zelensky, Biden, Macron, Xi, Truss, Schwab, etc, etc, work together.

    For the same people.

  5. #1230

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Any guesses who the 'untouchable' one is? The reigning British sovereign cannot be arrested (is above the law) and so are their family members when in their presence (also above the law). I'll go for a former British PM who should be in clink for Iraqi war crimes.

    Didn't know you're a fan of the former page 3 model Leilani?

  6. #1231

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I can't shake the feeling that Putin, Zelensky, Biden, Macron, Xi, Truss, Schwab, etc, etc, work together.

    For the same people.
    They have certainly all been in the same room together.

  7. #1232

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Off topic but where did the monkeypox conspiracy go?

  8. #1233

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Well what's going to happen next...?

    1) Collapse of the EU.

    2) WW3.

    3) Debt bubble implodes (aka hyperinflation and social anarchy).

    Place your bets.
    Who is going down first, Credit Suisse or Deutsche Bank?

  9. #1234

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    Off topic but where did the monkeypox conspiracy go?
    I had a look a few days ago. From memory, it was at 67k cases worldwide. There had been 20 deaths in non-endemic countries and 115 in the endemic ones in Africa.

    India and China, who together have over a third of the world's total population, had a grand total of one case and no deaths. Their citizens had been given nil mRNA Covid shots while all the nations filling the top 20 had.

    You know what I think? Yes, the same as you, it's a coincidence.

  10. #1235

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Who is going down first, Credit Suisse or Deutsche Bank?
    The latter's share price was a whisker above its all-time record low at Friday's close. I'll go for that one.

    Our wretched Teletubbies simply cannot conceive that there are people who are so evil they are plotting around the clock to ensure they really will own nothing. Putin characterised them as Satanists a few days back (the baddies, not the almost comatose Teletubbies).

  11. #1236
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post

    Our wretched Teletubbies simply cannot conceive that there are people who are so evil they are plotting around the clock to ensure they really will own nothing. Putin characterised them as Satanists a few days back (the baddies, not the almost comatose Teletubbies).
    I thought you said Putin was one of their top agents? Why is he calling them Satanists? Is he going off script?

  12. #1237

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    I thought you said Putin was one of their top agents? Why is he calling them Satanists? Is he going off script?
    What I did say was there's plenty of clues to suggest he's controlled opposition, such as being named twice publicly by Schwab as a WEF global leader, his appearance as the keynote speaker at Davos 2021 and how enthusiastic he was to introduce Russians to the Covid syringe.

    On that last point, here's a reminder for you to roll a sleeve up for the fourth time.

  13. #1238

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    A clip from Rick Mayall's final film which touches on many of the posts contained in this thread. The character he played was a sceptical of the official 9-11 narrative and was never released in cinemas.

  14. #1239

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    The latter's share price was a whisker above its all-time record low at Friday's close. I'll go for that one.

    Our wretched Teletubbies simply cannot conceive that there are people who are so evil they are plotting around the clock to ensure they really will own nothing. Putin characterised them as Satanists a few days back (the baddies, not the almost comatose Teletubbies).
    Why have you never mentioned this before?

  15. #1240

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    By Christ, I realise Elton John has a certain reputation for putting it about, but judging from Biden's remarks he must be spending more time at glory holes and hanging around public conveniences than George Micheal ever did.

  16. #1241

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    not sure where to put this one

  17. #1242

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    not sure where to put this one


  18. #1243

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    UN Secretary: We own the science


  19. #1244
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    UN Secretary: We own the science

    Fancy a game of monopoly?

  20. #1245

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Earlier in this thread I linked to the 1,294 long list of Pfizer Covid jab adverse events the US FDA was forced to publish. They wanted to keep the details under wraps for as long as the next 76 years. ("Nothing at all suspicious about that, mun," diehard Pfizered-to-eyeballs Teletubbies will claim.)

    That list starts at page 30 here - https://granitegrok.com/wp-content/u...Experience.pdf

    The very first is 1p36 deletion syndrome.

    That's caused nearly as big a stir as blood clots and myocarditis because 1p36 deletion syndrome is hereditary, begging the question how can vaccine recipients develop it?

    It seems one of the leading symptoms of that condition is an innate tendency to acquire skin lesions and boils.

    Is Monkeypox really a cover story for 1p36 deletion syndrome which is an admitted side-effect of Pfizer's crap? As India and China haven't jabbed any of their combined 2.8 billion population with Pfizer and have just one Monkeypox case between them then it looks to be the case.

  21. #1246

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Remaining with 1p36 deletion syndrome, there's far more disturbing speculation surrounding it among some alternative media circles which concern the Marburg virus disease, zombiism and the role precise 5G frequencies can play.

    I shall further.

  22. #1247

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Remaining with 1p36 deletion syndrome, there's far more disturbing speculation surrounding it among some alternative media circles which concern the Marburg virus disease, zombiism and the role precise 5G frequencies can play.

    I shall further.
    Remind me, how does the Great Reset, 5g and zombilism fit in with the cataclysmic change of magentic poles next March?

  23. #1248

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Remind me, how does the Great Reset, 5g and zombilism fit in with the cataclysmic change of magentic poles next March?
    I've been ruminating over which of our over 50+ Teletubbies will be first to place go faster daps on their feet to sprint for their fourth needle. "It's free, innit!" the winner will cry.

    After careful consideration I'm still undecided whether it will be you or Bobsy Wilson who'll claim the top podium position. Jon1959 will be awarded the bronze medal.

  24. #1249

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I've been ruminating over which of our over 50+ Teletubbies will be first to place go faster daps on their feet to sprint for their fourth needle. "It's free, innit!" the winner will cry.

    After careful consideration I'm still undecided whether it will be you or Bobsy Wilson who'll claim the top podium position. Jon1959 will be awarded the bronze medal.
    Why are you so reticent to back up your repeated posts in order that others can understand how they relate to each other?
    Surely, it's an opportunity for you to clarify your position for us all.
    Or do you want to endlessly post your cataclysmic predictions without ever being asked questions?

    I never had you down as a shrinking violet.

  25. #1250

    Re: The 2021/22 Conspiracy Theory Ballon D'Or winner, The Great Reset.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I've been ruminating over which of our over 50+ Teletubbies will be first to place go faster daps on their feet to sprint for their fourth needle. "It's free, innit!" the winner will cry.

    After careful consideration I'm still undecided whether it will be you or Bobsy Wilson who'll claim the top podium position. Jon1959 will be awarded the bronze medal.
    It's a very fair question he's asking you, either we've got a future of "you will own nothing and be happy" or the world will come to an end next March, which is it?

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