When analyzing the Twitter/Elon situation, you cannot look at it from a purely business/monetary perspective. Nothing will make sense.

This is not a random billionaire buying another company for fun. This is the US MIL’s highest paid contractor stripping the Deep State of one of their most powerful brainwashing weapons in The Information War.

It’s never been about money. It’s an operation to expose and neutralize a psychological weapon.

The state of things:
1. Elon to Twitter: "I bought stock in Twitter."
2. {Yawn, both eyes closed}
3. "I bought a lot."
4. {one eye opens}
5. "I bought enough to be a board member"
6. (Twitter, alarmed) "You can't!"
7. Elon: "I want to buy the whole company"
8. Twitter: "you CAN'T!!!"
9. Elon: here's my bid
10. Twitter: We hate it
11. Twitter shareholders: We like it
12. Twitter: OK fine
13. Elon: Too many bots. I'm out.
14. Twitter: You can't not buy us!
15. Elon: sue me
16. Twitter: OK
17. Twitter: you MUST buy us
18. Elon: No
19. Twitter: We insist
20. Elon: OK
21. Twitter: "You can't buy us!"
