Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
The host of that news report said it. Put your specs on.

You will be able to hear him say it should you watch it.

I post links to lots of stuff you won't see on your precious goggle box. One I've included several times of late is to Pfizer's Covid trial side effects where they noted 1,294 different ones. You haven't heard that from the Beeb or the NHS or any politician even though it is demonstrably true, and yet it's still being pushed the way of British parents and guardians of those with children as young as five years.

No doubt that censorship is something you heartily agree with despite being unable to claim you're unaware of the staggering number of side-effects Pfizer and the FDA wanted to conceal for the next 76 years. You and the other Teletubbies ought to give your head a shake instead of tacitly supporting this protocol. Shame on all of you for your complicity.
I think you might be missing the point. If 4.5 billion people now have abnormal blood which causes sudden collapsing then we wouldn't be learning about it on the gogglebox, it would be a very obvious part of our reality already.

It is very quaint btw, and quite telling about your advanced age, that you think we all spend our time watching BBC and ITV.