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Thread: 23 Years of Labour Led NHS in Wales

  1. #26

    Re: 23 Years of Labour Led NHS in Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by TWGL1 View Post
    Tory Scum is a term often used by you , dear oh dear
    I am consistent , you try to pretend you are open minded but you are a raving conservative which is worse

  2. #27

    Re: 23 Years of Labour Led NHS in Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Well have a look into the subject and post what you find as all we have is your word
    Ive a very good knowledge of the NHS prescription costs and associated data, drug costs, pharmacy reimbursement costs, and outcome data. A lot better I dare say then you or Vaughan Gethin.

    And underneath all this surely you can see that the NHS in Wales is a a nothing to be proud of ..in fact it's a mess

  3. #28

    Re: 23 Years of Labour Led NHS in Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    I am consistent , you try to pretend you are open minded but you are a raving conservative which is worse
    I’m A-Political as it happens.

  4. #29

    Re: 23 Years of Labour Led NHS in Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    Ive a very good knowledge of the NHS, prescription costs and associated data, drug costs, pharmacy reimbursement costs, and outcome data. A lot better I dare say then you or Vaughan Gethin.
    More than 1 in 3 people with chronic illnesses in Scotland were said to be not taking medication because of the cost of prescriptions

    I bet free prescriptions in Wales have reduced that in Wales too


    Maybe you know more than me on the subject , that wouldn't be difficult ......but do you know more than health secretary's?

    Is your arguement practical or is it ideological ?

  5. #30

    Re: 23 Years of Labour Led NHS in Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    Ive a very good knowledge of the NHS prescription costs and associated data, drug costs, pharmacy reimbursement costs, and outcome data. A lot better I dare say then you or Vaughan Gethin.

    And underneath all this surely you can see that the NHS in Wales is a a nothing to be proud of ..in fact it's a mess
    I think you are a Conservative and that's clouding your judgement

  6. #31

    Re: 23 Years of Labour Led NHS in Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by TWGL1 View Post
    I’m A-Political as it happens.

    If that's the case why are your posts always attacking Welsh Labour?

    It's almost like you are as obsessed with them as you say I am with the conservatives

  7. #32

    Re: 23 Years of Labour Led NHS in Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Fakeford , Dripford

    Dear oh Dear

    I thought it was good to see some passion, rt Davies is a pompous tory
    My God. He was calling him Fakeford. No wonder I wasn’t getting anywhere, I was debating with a 4 year old.

  8. #33

    Re: 23 Years of Labour Led NHS in Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    More than 1 in 3 people with chronic illnesses in Scotland were said to be not taking medication because of the cost of prescriptions

    I bet free prescriptions in Wales have reduced that in Wales too


    Maybe you know more than me on the subject , that wouldn't be difficult ......but do you know more than health secretary's?

    Is your arguement practical or is it ideological ?
    Yes ..the Scottish argument is what I said earlier about Wales...it's valid. And on the subject we are discussing I know a lot more that the Health secretary.. Do you think she an idea about individual prescribing costs an outcomes. She needs to worry about 15 hour waits for an ambulance and people waiting 2 years to get their hip fixed so that they can go back to work.

  9. #34

    Re: 23 Years of Labour Led NHS in Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    I think you are a Conservative and that's clouding your judgement
    Do you think the NHS has been run well in Wales then over the last two decades

    Have you seen the state on the dental industry- I’ve just been forced to go private

  10. #35

    Re: 23 Years of Labour Led NHS in Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Blue View Post
    My God. He was calling him Fakeford. No wonder I wasn’t getting anywhere, I was debating with a 4 year old.
    I could call him worse , but that’s for another thread ….as I said previously if you don’t know what you’re talking about don’t post.

  11. #36

    Re: 23 Years of Labour Led NHS in Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    I think you are a Conservative and that's clouding your judgement
    Nothing to do with party politics, just something I got an in depth knowledge of when working. And I fail to comprehend how you or anyone else for that matter can accept a 2 year wait for a hip operation, or a 15 hour wait for an ambulance as acceptable in order to defend your political party.
    I'm in this world because by chance a specialist spotted something on an ECG the GP missed and got me into hospital within 4 hours. So I'm grateful to the NHS for that, and the treatment I got was great. But..and it's a big but....it should be like that for everyone all the time and its not.

  12. #37

    Re: 23 Years of Labour Led NHS in Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    Yes ..the Scottish argument is what I said earlier about Wales...it's valid. And on the subject we are discussing I know a lot more that the Health secretary.. Do you think she an idea about individual prescribing costs an outcomes. She needs to worry about 15 hour waits for an ambulance and people waiting 2 years to get their hip fixed so that they can go back to work.
    So you have extensively looked into the issue of free prescriptions on a cost benefit analysis

    Why would the Welsh and Scottish health bosses be providing free prescriptions if they were not financially beneficial ?

    What have they got to gain ?

  13. #38

    Re: 23 Years of Labour Led NHS in Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by TWGL1 View Post
    Do you think the NHS has been run well in Wales then over the last two decades

    Have you seen the state on the dental industry- I’ve just been forced to go private
    Gosh no but we only have England, Scotland and NI to compare

    I think it's a political stick used by the tories of which you are one

  14. #39

    Re: 23 Years of Labour Led NHS in Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    So you have extensively looked into the issue of free prescriptions on a cost benefit analysis

    Why would the Welsh and Scottish health bosses be providing free prescriptions if they were not financially beneficial ?

    What have they got to gain ?

  15. #40

    Re: 23 Years of Labour Led NHS in Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Gosh no but we only have England, Scotland and NI to compare

    I think it's a political stick used by the tories of which you are one
    I’ve told you my political persuasion in an earlier thread. That being said even if I was what could you do about it ?

  16. #41

    Re: 23 Years of Labour Led NHS in Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    Nothing to do with party politics, just something I got an in depth knowledge of when working. And I fail to comprehend how you or anyone else for that matter can accept a 2 year wait for a hip operation, or a 15 hour wait for an ambulance as acceptable in order to defend your political party.
    I'm in this world because by chance a specialist spotted something on an ECG the GP missed and got me into hospital within 4 hours. So I'm grateful to the NHS for that, and the treatment I got was great. But..and it's a big but....it should be like that for everyone all the time and its not.
    It's never going to be perfect lots of people have to wait for cancer treatment , a specialist , mental health support

    Plenty of examples of long waiting times and medical mistakes in England

    My friend was insanely jealous of the care I got for my elderly mother . She had to go privately in England .

    I have voted for Labour , Liberals , Independents in my time but not the conservatives . I think drakeford should go now but people should be careful for what they wish for .

  17. #42

    Re: 23 Years of Labour Led NHS in Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    So carry out that cost benefit analysis and we can have a proper look at the issue

  18. #43

    Re: 23 Years of Labour Led NHS in Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    It's never going to be perfect lots of people have to wait for cancer treatment , a specialist , mental health support

    Plenty of examples of long waiting times and medical mistakes in England

    My friend was insanely jealous of the care I got for my elderly mother . She had to go privately in England .

    I have voted for Labour , Liberals , Independents in my time but not the conservatives . I think drakeford should go now but people should be careful for what they wish for .
    I'm not saying England is any better or worse. You like many are getting sucked into receiving an unacceptable level of service in the NHS much of the time and making excuses for it. People dying while on waiting lists for a year. Maternity units with high infant mortality because of lax clinical care, people on long term benefits awaiting hip surgery because they cant work until it's done. Abuse of the mentally vulnerable when in hospital.....And closer to home 20. minutes on the phone waiting for an answer from my GP surgery and told...There's 4 doctors on and their all fully booked..try again tomorrow.
    The politicians have convinced us that this level of service is the norm, that everybody is working their socks off, but the service is overwhelmed. And we are mugs enough to accept it

  19. #44

    Re: 23 Years of Labour Led NHS in Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    So carry out that cost benefit analysis and we can have a proper look at the issue
    I did start my contribution to the thread by showing 2.7 million scripts issued in Wales for two cheap painkillers that you can buy in most shops. Cost of these on to NHS on prescription around £5.5 m, cost if bought in shops £1m

  20. #45

    Re: 23 Years of Labour Led NHS in Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    I did start my contribution to the thread by showing 2.7 million scripts issued in Wales for two cheap painkillers that you can buy in most shops. Cost of these on to NHS on prescription around £5.5 m, cost if bought in shops £1m
    You are going to have to do better than that

    You have a background in the area we are discussing so dig up some facts which show why we shouldn't or indeed should have free prescriptions

    Specifically health benefits and costs ......and financial benefits and costs

  21. #46

  22. #47

    Re: 23 Years of Labour Led NHS in Wales

    That doesn't say anything at all . It's just a keyboard warriors biased opinions . Much like on here .

  23. #48

    Re: 23 Years of Labour Led NHS in Wales

    No wonder Drakeford was so livid. Farmer Giles turning up and having the nerve to point the finger when it’s his government starving the uk of cash for public services.

  24. #49
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    Re: 23 Years of Labour Led NHS in Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    Have a look at the prescription data link...1.5m prescriptions for aspirin, 1.2m for paracetamol...Gps should not be prescribing this stuff they should be sending people to the local pharmacy for it. But with no prescription charges people want it for free. BUT.. the cost is huge. Your local pharmacy gets paid about £1 for dispensing the aspirin, plus a relatively good ingredient cost, plus an allowance for a container.....what a waste of money.
    Have you ever looked at spending as a % of GDP on healthcare for a range of comparable nations? The UK are hardly what you'd call big spenders.

  25. #50

    Re: 23 Years of Labour Led NHS in Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Blue View Post
    No wonder Drakeford was so livid. Farmer Giles turning up and having the nerve to point the finger when it’s his government starving the uk of cash for public services.
    It was good to see some ire from him

    He's made a lot of mistakes and I do wish he would step down now but the Tories are a bunch of chancers

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