Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
No but it’s creeping in isn’t it.
I was up my mums in Barry last week and was fitting some 100W LED lightbulbs for her, I was a few short so popped down the ASDA to get some, pulled out of the car park and they have built a primary school near it, now of course they need schools as they are building more homes, but what stood out to me was the welsh name " Ysgol something-or-other " so while chatting to my mum I mention it, she says one of her friends granddaughters goes to it, turns out its a welsh speaking primary school, but what surprised me most was that Holton road primary now has a welsh name, I googled it Ysgol Gynradd Holton Primary School, not you cant tell me many around the area speak welsh as a first language, so why the name change ? ?