Just spent some time on the shitter reading this thread and that was probably the best place to read it. I don't normally read these match day threads and I can see why!!

Glad I was at the game but having said that I don't read the message board during games but if I did I would have to move all sharp items out of reach - it's like a place that makes happy men very old - jeez

For what it's worth ( which isn't a lot to you guys I know) I enjoyed the game (apart from Stroud who put us on the back foot with some strange decisions again - he really is the worst of a bad bunch) and I feel we are one or two players short of a half decent side and those players maybe the ones injured or suspended - who knows

For me it was worth the 2.5 hours travelling there and back - championship, league 1, who cares, its my club and I will keep supporting them in person for as long as I can - as did the fans last night who in the main stayed behind to applaud the team as that is what they deserved.