Left Wing (aka Liberal Media, Mainstream Media) far and away outnumber any other biased media groups. LW/Liberal Media groups include (but not limited to): NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, ESPN, Time, Newsweek, New Yorker, NYT, Vox, Atlantic, Washington Post, Boston Globe, Huffington Post, USA Today, Slate, Colbert Report, Politico, Buzzfeed, NPR (and most major coastal metropolitan newspapers fall into this category) etc.

RW/Conservative media groups include Fox, Drudge Report, The Economist, The Hill, OAN, National Review, Breitbart, Wash Times, Wash Examiner, AZ Republic, The Blaze, Prager U, etc.

There are some that sort of exist somewhere in between these two and those groups are ones like Wall Street Journal, AP/Reuters, local newspapers.

In trying to ferret out who is leaning which way you have to consider that while most members of the media live in a bubble and consider themselves to be centrist or mostly centrist in their political orientation, when you investigate their voting practices and where they contribute campaign money you see that close to 90% of them vote almost exclusively left and contribute almost exclusively to candidates on the left.

This is very telling and this bias is nearly impossible for them to keep out of their reporting even when their organization tries to stay neutral. With most universities growing more and more extreme in their liberal/leftist ideologies the number of liberal/leftist journalists in the media will continue to grow and their extremism will grow as well.

Because of this you see a lot of conservative voices taking to YouTube to find their audiences as well as many in between (libertarians/independents) and some on the left.