The timing and delays of the selection of the next coach is quote frankly laughable.

Knowing the lack of budget, lack of results of the prior manager and the knowledge that we need to improve the squad by January, the fact that we are at end of January with no selected replacement shows a lack of management skills and planning. There were two simple ways of approaching this situation:

1. One option, the clever one, was to approach a short list of coaches in advance. Better still, as Swansea do, have an ongoing radar of players and coaches that suit you. When adverse events happen you reach for your shortlist. Quickly and efficienltly. You start discussions end of November to sound people out. Decide by end December who it is. If existing manager is deemed to have failed by end of December then you move quickly. Sack. Replace ruthlessly. Use January to recruit with a full month of dealings possible. It’s called good risk management and resource management. All commercial people of good standing should be familiar with these simple concepts.

2. Or, you leave it late. Recruit late at mid / end of Jan, scurry around in a flap. Reach end of month. All the juicy means available for loan or tranfer have gone. You are left to sign dregs that others did not want. Either this approach shows a total lack of planning competence. Or it shows “clever” politics by Tan/Choo/Dalman - that they wish to sign a coach as cheaply as possible, deliberately leaving him little time to deal in the market. Cheap coach, cheap players. And with it, continue to carry the risk if a poor coaching environment and a low performing squad. The natural result being a not so golden hello with the relegation monster and his minions at the trap door of the said League One dungeon.

It either points to gross incompetence on planning of the timing / cycle of the sacking replacement. Or it is what is an attempt at “clever” politics. If it is the former, then it is high time they left the building. If it is the latter, then whoever is approaching itthis way (Dalman, Choo or Vinny T) has assumed that the new coach, fans and journalists are stupid - which shows how arrogant, un-streetwise, and stupid these “clever” people really are.